Official Guide to the Hive Informational book

A real book about the Hive that includes info! Look at the tabs to read about them!


It would include pictures and info of all of the cosmetics, including unobtainable ones!

How to play

Shows how to play the games and their goals.


Includes the date they were released, includes when the updates were, cosmetics/locker items that are obtainable, how much XP is needed per level, and how XP is gained+their amounts, showing Hive+ and default.


Tells info about all of the ranks that have existed, including removed ranks

Feel free to suggest more categories!

all of this can be found at


But I want an IRL book so that I don’t kill my brain reading on the computer for hours. (seriously, too much reading on computer=terrible headache for me)


I dont think hive is that well known (outside of minecraft) or established to have their own irl book

I’d just rather read a guide from the hive website as jude said.

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Can i add this to the The Hive Museum?

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yes, that is fine.