The Bridge: Minigame concept(pvp)

Hello :wave: i have thought hard about this minigame that I think would fit well in the hive’s minigame roster. So my idea is bridges The minigame originally appeared on Hypixel: This suggestion is in categories: Overlay,changes , kits , cosmetics implementation and Effect . So here is my idea.

*There are two teams that are on sky islands that are on the opposite sides on the map . Between these islands is a 1x1 bridge . . On each island there is a goal that the other team must try to jump in to . Players get a sword , pickaxe and blocks . The first team that scores a certain amount wins. Here is some gameplay from Hipixel’s version: getting 8,000 wins in bridge - YouTube

*The changes that I would recommend to the hive staff team :

  • Kits: later in the suggestion
  • The game should be in one round :if the player scores rather than the round ending the player merely respawns and his/her team gets a point
  • Weaker pickaxe’s so that players need to move more around the existing blocks
  • Players can not place blocks on spawn/goal islands
  • 1 golden Apple for every kit
  • Less blocks (about 25-35) to keep players near bridge
  • Each player has a lether helmet that shows their team

*Kits (these are all the kit spesific stuff and Items do not drop btw. I tried to balance the kits . All kits are balanced [I think] its just thst more play styles will be created by these kits to keep experienced players)
-Rusher : stone sword
Iron armor
1 snowball
-archer : infinity bow
Wooden sword
Chain armor
-Tank : Nockback nemo (nerfed)
-has a 3 sec cooldown
Iron armor

-Piglin : Sword of embers
Gold armor
Fire charge

-Wizard: leather armor
Potion of slowness
Potion of regeneration
Sharpness stick(wand)
-Sumo: blocks

*Cosmetics:My idea for the level system is that there are 20 unlockable levels . The following Cosmetics can be unlocked through this process: island flag , score animation and projectile trail.

  • Island flag: The same type of cosmetic in sky wars . The higest lvl player gets their selected flag on their teams island
  • Score animation : When a player jumps into the goal a “animation” appears eg. Fire work or tnt explosion
  • Projectile trail is a group of particles/items that follow a thrown snowball or arrow
    I recommend that there are : 6 score animation’s , 3kits , 4 projectile trails , 7 island fags (its a total of 21)
    -The kits cam be ranked in this order:
    -lvl. 1:rusher archer sumo
    -lvl. 5 :piglin
    -lvl. 12 :tank
    -lvl 20 :wizard

Ps. The Devs can change these kits ,add more levels , add more cosmetics. These are just my ideas.

*Implementation: This is where I explain how the hove can implement this minigame into the server along with its changes to custom servers : The hive can reuse the sky royale npc as I personally think that it can fit with bridges quite well. There can be two categories 5v5 and 1v1 (up 2 devs) Some of the settings on custom servers can be : sumo, select roles
, Op gear , map select.

*So here is what I personally think of the effect of adding bridges to the hive:

  • The amount of players would be around 400-1000 at prime times
  • Bridhes will most likely have a big sweat community and there will likely be tournaments between these players
  • There will be more lobby npc’s with is a good thing because when i first started playing on server I preved lifeboat due to a larger roster of minigames.
  • Mutch like Deathrun a small yt community will form

So that is my idea I don’t care if the hive devs change it I really want this minnigame added even if it’s nearly the same to the original on hypixel


  • When I said by kits that the nockback nemo needs to be nerfed i mean it so that it will be possible to clutch if you get hit
  • This is basically a English essay
  • The hive devs don’t need to implement this immediately bit they can rather focus on Mixed arcade
  • This is a English essay

Thank you

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Thank you soo much for taking the time to write such a detailed suggestion!
I’ll be keeping this topic open and not mark it as duplicate because of 2 main reasons:-

  • This is very detailed and has a lot of information about how the game/ cosmetics will work.
  • The original suggestion is almost a year old now and isn’t as detailed as this one.

I hope my reasoning is justifiable :slight_smile:


interesting concept, however i think the kits system isnt as great. i think i would like it more as a fixed kit for everyone, say, iron armor, iron sword and a bow + 12 arrows? (reset each round)

nice suggestion tho

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this is a copy of hypixel duels tho, but fun

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whilst I’m against kits I think this could work as long as items aren’t dropped, I think the rusher should have a chain helmet and leggings however so it isn’t the op kit. I think being able to change your kit when you die is good. I also think every player should have two stacks of blocks. Finally, I think the hole / portal should be customisable.

i think all kits should be unlocked at level one instead of making it so that players who grinded have all the good kits
otherwise this is a great suggestion


Infinity makes that you only need one arrow to shoot so don’t worry about that and Kits are made to suit to players playstyle’s

That is why I want it bc im to broke for a pc

I’m with this, even though I thought this was just another bridges suggestion, this was extremely detailed, and also an English essay

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i understand that, but having kits means things can become unbalanced at the start. also, it means that when you are maxed level, you have a choice and potentially an unfair advantage if somethings unbalanced, and so the game becomes very hard to start, and means people won’t want to play it as much.

where kits arent a terrible idea, i personally wouldn’t (and I’m sure many others would agree) want to play it all the time. I’ve played hypixel skywars, and i don’t like it all that much, and one reason is kits (not to mention rushing, but that’s something else entirely and that’s also just hypixel skywars meta) because it makes it very hard at the beginning as the kits arent 100% balanced. some may give blocks at the start and that means they can get the best stuff form mid at the start. obviously, its mainly down to skill, (and i suck) but things can be unbalanced and break. I’m not saying hypixel is unbalanced, its just kits can become unbalanced and lower the playercount of a game.

essay complete


Yea I kinda agree kits maby just the archer and rusher kit? One of the reasons i added kits is bc i wanted different playstyle’s to appear but in the end its up to the devs if they want to add it

I mean

Surely if kits are unlocked at levels

And you pay for hive+ for a 50% xp boost


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I think everyone should have equal opportunities at kits (Like @unikern1o said), if a player maxes out the game they will have an advantage and prevent newer players progressing as quickly making it harder to get into the game thus decreasing the playerbasenand rate of introduction.

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  • kits shouldnt be a thing
  • make the bridge 15 blocks deep
  • give all players blocks and pickaxes
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pretty sure this wasn’t mentioned, but I think you should be able to break blocks from the original bridge so u can bypass and stuff

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i think make the players have infinite blocks would be cool, so the blocks never runs out if u want ro clutch


you shouldn’t really need more than 2 stacks of blocks to get to the other side

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This would actually be a nice addition, however I think the bridge would fit better as a mixed arcade gamemode rather then being a standalone game.


If there was a kit with kb Nemo, I still feel like it would be immediate death unless you were telly.

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