Hello i have thought hard about this minigame that I think would fit well in the hive’s minigame roster. So my idea is bridges The minigame originally appeared on Hypixel: This suggestion is in categories: Overlay,changes , kits , cosmetics implementation and Effect . So here is my idea.
*There are two teams that are on sky islands that are on the opposite sides on the map . Between these islands is a 1x1 bridge . . On each island there is a goal that the other team must try to jump in to . Players get a sword , pickaxe and blocks . The first team that scores a certain amount wins. Here is some gameplay from Hipixel’s version: getting 8,000 wins in bridge - YouTube
*The changes that I would recommend to the hive staff team :
- Kits: later in the suggestion
- The game should be in one round :if the player scores rather than the round ending the player merely respawns and his/her team gets a point
- Weaker pickaxe’s so that players need to move more around the existing blocks
- Players can not place blocks on spawn/goal islands
- 1 golden Apple for every kit
- Less blocks (about 25-35) to keep players near bridge
- Each player has a lether helmet that shows their team
*Kits (these are all the kit spesific stuff and Items do not drop btw. I tried to balance the kits . All kits are balanced [I think] its just thst more play styles will be created by these kits to keep experienced players)
-Rusher : stone sword
Iron armor
1 snowball
-archer : infinity bow
Wooden sword
Chain armor
-Tank : Nockback nemo (nerfed)
-has a 3 sec cooldown
Iron armor
-Piglin : Sword of embers
Gold armor
Fire charge
-Wizard: leather armor
Potion of slowness
Potion of regeneration
Sharpness stick(wand)
-Sumo: blocks
*Cosmetics:My idea for the level system is that there are 20 unlockable levels . The following Cosmetics can be unlocked through this process: island flag , score animation and projectile trail.
- Island flag: The same type of cosmetic in sky wars . The higest lvl player gets their selected flag on their teams island
- Score animation : When a player jumps into the goal a “animation” appears eg. Fire work or tnt explosion
- Projectile trail is a group of particles/items that follow a thrown snowball or arrow
I recommend that there are : 6 score animation’s , 3kits , 4 projectile trails , 7 island fags (its a total of 21)
-The kits cam be ranked in this order:
-lvl. 1:rusher archer sumo
-lvl. 5 :piglin
-lvl. 12 :tank
-lvl 20 :wizard
Ps. The Devs can change these kits ,add more levels , add more cosmetics. These are just my ideas.
*Implementation: This is where I explain how the hove can implement this minigame into the server along with its changes to custom servers : The hive can reuse the sky royale npc as I personally think that it can fit with bridges quite well. There can be two categories 5v5 and 1v1 (up 2 devs) Some of the settings on custom servers can be : sumo, select roles
, Op gear , map select.
*So here is what I personally think of the effect of adding bridges to the hive:
- The amount of players would be around 400-1000 at prime times
- Bridhes will most likely have a big sweat community and there will likely be tournaments between these players
- There will be more lobby npc’s with is a good thing because when i first started playing on server I preved lifeboat due to a larger roster of minigames.
- Mutch like Deathrun a small yt community will form
So that is my idea I don’t care if the hive devs change it I really want this minnigame added even if it’s nearly the same to the original on hypixel
- When I said by kits that the nockback nemo needs to be nerfed i mean it so that it will be possible to clutch if you get hit
- This is basically a English essay
- The hive devs don’t need to implement this immediately bit they can rather focus on Mixed arcade
- This is a English essay
Thank you