Text In Hub

Maybe Hive should add more things in hubs and games

Hive should add like /hug which would say in chat (username) hugged (username), but add different ones. I would think this would make hub and ingame experiences fun for players and if they want to express their imotions to something/player

First of all, welcome to the Forums! :beedance:

I’m a bit confused about what you’re suggesting here. If i’m understanding right though, you’re suggesting that when you emote, it will send a message in chat like “ZapOLightnin is clapping!”?
Surely that would just clog up chat though, especially if people are abusing this by spamming them. Doing this would make it hard to moderate because of the immense amount of emote messages happening, so I’m not quite sure about this idea. :thinking:


No he means something like “x gave a hug to you” or “x gave you a big kiss” or something like this.
I can understand the part with spamming but perhaps you can set it so that only the affected people see this text, then spamming would be reduced.
Maybe you can also toggle such interactions if you are not interested in them.

But I like his idea!
Its cute and wholesome and can bring a little more life to the standard chat.


Due to one on one chatting being prohibited by Microsoft, this won’t be possible.

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It wouldn’t be like chatting.
Its just a message you get thrugh a command or something.

Its like when you invite someone to your party, only you and the invited one can see the message.
So I think it would be fine

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You need 3 people for that so its one on one on one not one on one

Sorry but I think you misunderstood.
I was only talking about the invite message like “you invited x to your party” and “x wants you to join their party” or something like that.
Those are messages that only two people see.

And similar to this the hug message could be so that only you two people see it.


That is the same thing. It doesn’t matter if it is in chat or not. If it is a message that only you and one other person can see, Microsoft prohibits it.

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But the invite message I mentioned is a message that can only seen by two people and there is no problem so far with it.

And since you dont write the hug message because it could be just a command that then will put out the message “x gave you a big hug” and “you gave a big hug to x” I dont understand the problem.
Because with the pre-written message there cant be abuse to it with bad words.
And if there is an extra toggle for such messages you are even save from spam.

So I dont really see a problem there.

And sorry if I am the one who is misunderstanding the whole thing :pray:


The “You cannot break your own bed” message is breaking Microsoft rules apparently simce noone else can see that pre-made message except you.

Also, could you send me a link of an official Microsoft website to where 1 to 1 messaging is prohibited?

No, that’s not right. You get that message from a command block or bot. No one is sending it to you.

I can’t but here’s something that definitely won’t prove my point…

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What I mean is what profiClasher was saying but there would be a 2-5min cooldown so no chat spam. Also, it would tell the entire server not just 2 people


Oh, okay, well than this is allowed :+1:


sorry should made more clarification


This 1 isn’t allowed its a 1 on 1 unlike mine

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