Take Away the Enderpearl Height Limit



Uh so
50 votes
Anyways bumping to get da new users talking


This needs more votes, this is absolutely bonkers. Its soo crazy, I do a nice clutch, but guess what? The pearl is dutifully returned to me, so that it can accompany me on my journey, albeit very short, to the void.


This is a great idea, they should totally add this. :slightly_smiling_face:


I can agree with this 100% everytime I get a nice pearl, and it says no, I get upset… Also, you know how if you clutch at the bottom of an island, and you start taking damage, it’s CRUCIAL to get back up, or ur dead… I don’t see anyone camping down there, cuz it’s a lot of damage! Just like it would be above limit… Therefore I think this should be implemented, and there won’t be campers, cuz thatd be stupid of them, lol

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The void should be lower but if there was no max pearl throw then people would camp in impossible places but its good they’ve got if you stay out of the playing area for to long it damages you.


bruh you brought this back on home page.

It was relevant to the topic, it’s allowed.


100% agree. Pearls are the most annoying thing in SkyWars (apart from Nemo ofc), tired of dying because my pearl is either too high or miraculously lands somewhere I didn’t aim at (even if you calculate the drop in your head), pearls are broken.