Sword of Embers Coherence Improvement


The Sword of Embers’ hit repetition is very devolved, and it needs an improvement.

More information:

When using the Sword of Embers, sometimes it takes 5+ hits to catch someone on fire, and other times, it takes like 2 or 3 hits to do so, and it needs to be more balanced.

It would probably be more balanced if it would take about 3 - 5 hits to catch someone on fire, since it’s sometimes too overpowered, or too

If you did notice, how did you feel?
  • Frustrated
  • Fine
0 voters

Also, I need someone to identify if this is a dupe, I’m not very sure if it is or not, so I provided some links that you can see.

Links to two posts like this: The Sword of embers needs fixing and Sword of Ember rework

If someone could identify if this is a dupe or not, that would be amazing.

Returning on topic, I have provided some polls for you guys to share info on how you guys experienced/felt about this happening to you. So consider voting!

Also, there should be some kind of cooldown on the sword. When using the sword, you can catch someone on fire for 5 seconds, and during those 5 seconds, you can hit them again to add an ADDITIONAL 5 seconds. (Including the time that was created when you hit them the first time)

I think the cooldown should be 5 seconds at the least, so the opponents (or you) can get some time to recover.

In conclusion, the Sword of Embers can be very overpowered, or very underpowered, which is why it needs some kind of nerf.

Tell me your thoughts on this post. :thought_balloon:

The first poll wasn’t working, so I remade it in this post. :arrow_down:

How was your experience with the hit patterns?
  • I didn’t notice.
  • I did notice, but I didn’t care.
  • I did notice, and I did care.
  • I don’t play SkyWars.
0 voters

fire sword op and you can’t change my mind

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Idk every thing could.be said is op.

A Sharpness I Diamond sword can kill naked players with 3 hits.

A boombox can damage multiple targets

Enderpearls let you to travel 40~ blocks

It’s just how you play the game and what you do with your game sense.

The Sword of Ember doesnt even work if the player has protection 1 or fire protection. I wish I could ahow a clip but its from over a month ago and I dont really want to find it

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the sword of embers is the only non-consumable way to deal more than a heart of damage to a full diamond player per second

This isn’t true if you can’t set them on fire, otherwise they regenerate almost immediately.