Suggestions For Games + features

Idea 1:
Battle Royale Gamemode (Hive Royale)
Information: Hive Royale could be a game mode where a border will slowly shrink on a battlefield, where up to 50 people would be fighting. There could also be a Kill Leader, whoever has the most kills would be named this. A little taskbar type thing would pop up with “Kill Leader: DuckyYT4979” then your coordinates. Also, a map in the top right or left would be key to avoid the border! There could be 100 levels for grinding and one of the rewards could be Hive Champion, for level 100.

Idea 2:
XP Bar
Information: Currently in-game, you can only see your level and whatever activities associate with that current game mode, why not make a way so you can toggle whether or not you wish to see how much xp you currently have. I know there are stats, but during a game people like myself who are grinding, would like to see how much we currently have during the game. Perhaps it shows like a % of how much you have done until the next level.

Idea 3:
Treasure Wars Update
Information: While I have been playing treasure wars lately, I have noticed once you’re being rushed and you die, you’re basically out unless the enemy isn’t the greatest of player. Add a feature where, if you die, you spawn with a wooden sword. Otherwise, you have to buy the sword, kill them and that process is too long. By the time you have done all of that your treasure would be gone and you would be dead.

Idea 4:
Perks/Upgrades in Treasure Wars
Information: Add another NPC/Shop on your island and name it Team Perks. Once interacted with the npc, a UI will pop up. This UI will contain some team perks, such as but not limited to Speed boost, Strength, Sharpness, Protection, Regeneration and more! This would be an interesting addition to treasure wars because right now it is about whoever has diamond armour first.

Idea 5:
More Levels
Information: Currently all the gamemodes either have too many levels or too little. I personally think that Hide and Seek, Survival Games and Ghost Invasion need more levels On the other hand, gamemodes like murder mystery with 100 levels need a little less like 50 levels instead so its the same as all the other games on average.

Idea 6:
New Game: Walls
Information: There are 4 teams, whether its 1v1v1v1, duos, trios or squads. Each team has a corner each, this corner includes a miniature map with a desert, trees and caves. After 2.5 minutes of gathering the walls separating the teams will collapse and you must fight. There is also a border which will slowly make a small square in mid. Inbetween all the walls there are mini sections which contain loot such as potions and diamond gear. At middle, you can acquire a full diamond set and golden apples. Last team alive wins.

Idea 7:
New Game: King Of The Hill (KOTH)
Information: This gamemode will have a big hill at middle, around the edges you could have chests which contain loot. Players must climb to the top of the hill to acquire the crown. You must stand of the hill for 2 minutes to be crowned victorious, opponents must try to hit the king off of his hill. Once the round has started, all players will have a knockback 2 stick.

Idea 8:
New Game: Turf Wars
Information: There would be 2 teams which start in an arena. Half the Arena would be blue, the other half red. Each Player would receive a turf destroyer (bow with infinity) and 64 blocks. There are 2 phases during the game. Building phase and pvp phase. When the game starts there would be a building phase where you can only build. After 30s of building phase there will be a pvp phase, every 25% captured by a team, a new build phase will start ( you can still place blocks during a pvp phase). There could also be kits which give you snowballs, a sword etcetc.

Idea 9:
New Game: Natural Disasters
Information: This gamemode will randomly pick between a certain disaster to occur during your game. It could vary but not limited to volcano eruptions, tsunamis and tornados. This would be really unique and the last “Survivor” wins. It’s a matter of skills and technique to survive the given disaster.

Idea 10:
New Game: Tower Wars
Information: Each player starts in a tower which chests inside of which contain blocks, armour, projectiles and much more. The objective of this game is to be the last player standing. You must bridge to middle or to other player’s towers and eliminate them from the game.

Idea 11:
Kits in SW and TW
Information: Add Kits to Treasure wars and skywars. While in the waiting lobby, add a UI where you can select a kit, here are some kits I’d personally like added:
Treasure Wars Kits:

Farmer: 5 Gold
Rusher: Stone Sword and 32 blocks
Defender: 32 concrete
Tank: Full Chain
BlackSmith: Iron Pickaxe and Axe

Skywars Kits:
Scout: Full Leather and 2 Ender Pearls
Explorer: 64 andesite and a wooden sword
Slayer: An Iron sword and full golden armour
Plague: Damage potion and invis potion
Trickster: 2 Frozen tnt. 2 Boom Boom Tnt, 2 knockback tnt and 32 cobwebs

All kits could be earned through leveling up like the titles and current in-game items.

Christmas/Winter Themed Games and Features

Idea 12:
New Game: Cursed Christmas
Information: This gamemode is an infected based game. There is 1 “Abominable Snowman”, this player must run around and catch all the other “Survivors”. The aim of the game for the snowman is to catch all survivors, where as for the survivors its to survive as long as possible.

Idea 13:
New Game: Lonely Lodge
Information: This is unlike any other hive gamemode, this is a puzzle type game. You are alone in a lodge/cabin. You must solve all the clues/riddles to escape. This could include parkour, redstone, mazes and more! The objective of this game is to escape the lodge. You could also have a few of the tasks timed as well to make it more intense.

Idea 14:
New Maps for Treasure wars

Candy Cane Land:
Information: Each island, has a candy cane. The candy canes would be different colours which correspond to the team colour. On top of this, it could have a winner themed blocks surrounding the canes. At Mid, you could have some houses with candy canes surrounding them.

Christmas Tree:
Information: Each island could be a plant pot with a Christmas tree on top. Middle could be a MASSIVE christmas tree which presents underneath with santa claus in his sleigh travelling around the tree.

Information: Each Island could have a snowman/angel on them with a little elf shack for the shop and generator. In middle, there would be a massive snowglobe which miniature snowmen and elfs inside. It could also have santa’s workshop.

Idea 15:
Lobby Decoration for Christmas
Information: The main castle could be turned into santa’s workshop and where the pumpkin currently is at spawn could turn into a massive christmas tree. Make the whole spawn have ribbons across the street and all north pole themed. As that is where santa lives.

Generally suggestions are seperate … this a tad bit too much information for one post.
We can’t vote on individual suggestions if they are all together like this.

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Hive should make OG games :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: not stolen
edit: not really stolen, more like “borrowed”

It would be better if these were separate…

Welcome to the forums btw

Oml, please break up the suggestions O.o

Thanks man, I’ve been a member of the forums for awhile. just had to make a new account due to hackers

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Hive unfortunately doesn’t add lists, and staff won’t know what people are voting for out of the list.
And since im too lazy to read, im just gonna say these are good suggestions.

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Idk but that kits suggestion is a bit op, especially because you need to pay for a competitive advantage, i don’t know if Microsoft allows it

(I’m not 100% sure tbh)

most of these suggestions are duplicates, please use the search feature

as said above hive doesnt accept lists

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@JustTakesEffort / @maybeSheila / @Hlzyzptlk. :eyes:

stop pinging the mods, they already told u to just flag the post???


Welcome to the forums! A lot of the users above have given some useful info but I’d like to clarify as well. We appreciate you taking the time to create a suggestion, however we generally prefer one post per suggestion so that we can accurately see what exactly people are interested in.

I’d also encourage you to use the search feature to see if anything you’ve suggested already has a post that you can vote for and add your opinions to. One last thing is we definitely do plan to add some things like more levels for all games, Christmas themes once that time comes etc. Updates like these just take time, but we are always working to provide as much content as we can.

I’ll close this suggestion and would recommend searching around the forums a bit, then creating suggestions for things you haven’t already seen before. If you have any questions feel free to message me!