Spawn with a sword in tw

i’d rather something be higher quality then original. though i do agree with @thegamingtoyyt that it wouldn’t be as simple as just add wooden swords. they’d have to do other things like add pots or increase respawn time


Why would they have to add pots and stuff if it isn’t a copy considering mostly every server does it. It would be balanced considering when you respawn they would have better gear.

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And what’s the bad part?(sorry for rhetoric pls dont ban XD)


Making any strat completely useless is bad, as it makes the meta less diverse

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Turtling doesn’t make you win, it makes it harder for you to lose, it’s not meta whatsoever


I don’t like this idea because if you rush your enemy and fail they kind of deserve to rush you and fight back and if you can’t defend they’re rush I kind of think their the better player, I recommend defending your treasure better first as well as stock you chest up with a couple swords before going out to destroy someone’s treasure in solos at least.


I agree, cuz if someone rushes you and you die, then you basically have no chance to kill them, putting it at an unfair advantage cuz your treasure will just get destroyed.

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I would support this if and ONLY IF players were given a golden sword. It looks super cool, does the same damage as a wooden sword, and breaks faster.

Not sure how they would add something with less durability than a golden sword.


Maybe, but it can be pulled off sometimes. They wouldn’t even have a chance with this

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I know they can rush you back but it’ll make the game more intense and it might help improve skill and learn a way to stop them from doing it

There are pros and cons to this thing

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I’ve been watching this thread for a day or two, and I saw no one really mention why I don’t like this, so I thought I’d make a post.

This would make rushing much harder. You would be at a base 20 seconds into the match, and being swarmed by players with swords. Would this break any other strategies I can’t think of? :thinking:


Ima just gonna mention that you would have to get at least 5 gold to rush.
That’s also the price of a stone sword.

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Yeah this will help a lot :raised_hands:


So basically you rush 32 wool or a stone sword


Yeah, but if someone rushes you with wool, and you only have a stone sword, 1. They can build up so you can’t get their treasure. 2. You didn’t have wool to protect your treasure, so your treasure is dead. Ultimately wool is way better as a first buy


ok maybe I’ll vote…


Oh I don’t play solos :frowning:

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It also applies to duos

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I was just about to post this, damn.

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I disagree with the healing part of this. We just need some pots and better healing.

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