SkyWars XP Change (In time for Prestige)

SkyWars XP Change

So as you know, SkyWars just got a level update (from 75 to 100) and Prestige is coming very soon, and at this rate with the XP we have, it’ll take 24,000 Wins to Max Prestige SkyWars (That’s 15th All-Time on the SkyWars Leaderboard), so i feel like buffing the xp will be a great thing for all players to be able to grind Prestige Levels in SkyWars.

XP Changes

  • Kills 10XP → 15XP
    • The Final Kill Bonus XP is fine
    • Killing the kill leader bonus 5XP → 10XP (Thanks for the idea @Shogunater :blush:)
  • Unlocking a mystery chest/vault 10XP → 25XP
  • Wins 50XP → 100XP
    • If Capture the Flag rewards 100 xp from a win, which has much less XP than SkyWars will have, then why should SkyWars be set to just 50?

Amazing idea! More XP is always a positive and definitely put things into retrospective on how long these levels can take!

There should be a perfect balance of completing the level system and the time it takes to it and this suggestion allows it to be stable!

Definitely voted!


Real frfrfrrr


I agree with this. Having a balanced xp gaining system will be a great idea for skywars!


I do not agree with this i think you should be rewarded more xp for high kill games not sitting around doing nothing getting carried or afking. sw def needs a xp buff but it shouldnt all be in the win xp


Well they kinda have a 2x Xp boost


In Capture the Flag the rounds are usually longer, hence the XP difference. But I see your point. The temporary XP boost that is currently in place in SkyWars is some sort of experiment perhaps, and they will likely end up increasing the XP based on the results of this test.


I love this idea, voted

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Dang bro took my idea as soon as Splodger locked it. But seriously, instead of just boosting the exp given from the three (Kinda four) ways to get exp, what if some more ways to earn exp were added as well? Here are a few ideas that come to mind:

  • Opening a chest: 1-5 exp
  • Increasing exp for killling kill leader (from 5): 10-25 exp
  • Opening an UNLOOTED ender chest: 5-10 exp
  • Placing x amount of blocks: 5-10 exp
  • Getting a full set of diamond armor: 5 exp
  • Bowing (Snowballs don’t count) somebody into the void or killing them with bow: 5 bonus exp
  • Mining ores: 0.5 exp for squads, 1 exp for solos and duos. Maybe reduced or no exp for ores mined at team base to discourage camping. (Credit for idea: @JoseAntonio1674)

Note: Not all of these ideas have to be added, this is just me rapid-firing out ideas.


Hey @King_James12133 ! I haven’t seen you in a while. This is a good idea, so I’ll vote.


Do you get experience for mining certain minerals currently? If not, that could be another interesting way to gain more XP.


yes we need this


Honestly I’m really lazy so anything that makes anything easier I’ll vote


I like all ideas except ores bc of sw classic.


Me: 25 votes up already. Awesome. I can see that XP in my bar now.

Splodger automatically:


I swear, a variation of this is in the back of my mind for every suggestion.


This is such a great idea and also justified. I would feel like possibly adding XP for third and second place. This would also help the beginners.


nah it’s supposed to be a grind to max out skywars, especially prestige. Considering people went from 75 to 100 in 2 days (let’s say 3 days without the xp boost) someone can already max prestige within two weeks if they grind for it. And for everyone else it’ll take a bit longer but that isn’t a problem imo


Yeah if they’re playing for 24 hours a day, have 50 exp boosters, and have an insanely sweaty party for squads or tryhard on solos. You’re 27 to 1 on this. Good luck winning this debate.


Xp should be added for second and third place but maybe just for solos and maybe duos if it happened.