SkyWars is unplayable/hacked

So skywars is getting hacked again, and the game is literally unwinnable, all the mid is being taken in just one chest, the hackers are insane, and i cant even win a single game, so clank if you see this fix this immeaditely, you gotta refresh skywars or something because it is chaotic and crazy. So please ban these hackers

The mid-chests disappearing instantly is probabky a high sensitivity, there is probably no hacking involved. I do agree the fact that it is almost impossible to win, I straight up stopped playing SkyWars due to every game I end up being comboed to death within the first minute of grace period ending. They should probably add ranked SkyWars, as said here.


If winning the game is the problem, i suggest using skywars kits. It’s a lot easier, and there’s slightly less hackers.


Well it hasn’t been raining because mother nature alerady knows that the sweats are raining down drips from their fingers. And thats what has been causing tsunamis too.

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