Skywars Classic Mode

I think that skywars should have a mode like hunger games where its only chests like classic skywars, there can still be ores but they drop there normal drops like diamonds, iron etc. It should be solo and duos. Alot of people would want this!

Idk if it would be worth the effort on the hive’s part, especially considering that the hive wants to be unique


alot of people that i have talked to dont like the ore system

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Like Blaze said, Hive wants to be unique and put their own spin on these games. Anyway if you don’t like it, there are plenty of other servers that offer classic skywars.


yeah but all other servers are laggy and bad


Just what i was thinking of.

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They are just trying to be creative and unique from normal skywars, and I personally like it because it is different from just the usual. Anyway if you don’t want to play it there is always Cubecraft, Lifeboat, and Mineplex. they all offer normal skywars


True, but if you compare Hive skywars to Java Cubecraft skywars it wouldn’t look very unique…
no hate on Hive or Cubecraft

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that doesn’t change anything

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I feel like this feature would be a great part of skywars because many people would like to craft their own tools and blocks if they can’t obtain them. The problem is though, The Hive hasn’t introduced crafting into the game, probably because the ores are for a different use. But I also like how original and creative the Hive Skywars is. It’s not trying to replicate the original skywars. So I feel kind of split on two sides about this. But it would be cool to get ores.


I personally think mining ores to obtain loot really slows down the game and makes it a bit boring in that regard. Classic skywars is a lot more fast paced and definitely not more boring.


I think hive skywars is the best on bedrock. I enjoy it the most


I can see where you are coming from, but it wouldn’t be worth Hive’s time adding Classic SkyWars. The Hive wants to be unique and different from other servers. If they added Classic SkyWars, they would have to redo the entire loot system, build entirely new maps from scratch, and add entirely new code. To put it bluntly, it wouldn’t be worth going through all of that effort just to copy/paste the old formula when they already have their own unique take on SkyWars.

yeah I really want to make crafting enabled in skywars so I can be more creative in skywars!


I do respect your opinion because I also know a few people who want this, but I feel like the hive has done a good job of giving these game modes their own touch. I do think lots of bedrock players play on more than just this server, so if the game modes on the hive are unique to them, then players have to come to the hive to play them. That’s just my two cents, but I can def see where people are coming from.

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I understand where you are coming from, but The Hive doesn’t want to be like other servers. They want to be unique and different from other servers. If they added a Classic Mode, it would just be a carbon copy of the SkyWars from other servers.

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that’s true, i like how the ores add more of a spin. i’ve also won games mining little to no ores, i just grab the chests on my island, then rush middle and get the good loot from the ender chests, then rush the other people


maybe add gamemodes in skywars like classic mode and lucky ore mode. I can see no problem with that i guess

I don’t think skywars without ores would be so much different than it is now.