SG Overhaul

I am a firm believer that one of the reasons SG is as unplayed as it is due to unoriginality and repetitiveness. I think some unique concepts could really change things up for the better

New Concepts

  • Kits I’ll go into more detail on why they should be added to Base Survival Games (not an LTM) later in this post

  • Loot Machines these are frequently found throughout the map and give you unique items that are peculiar and unlike anything the SG gamemode has seen. Usually drop nothing but when they do they contain items that are said to be embedded with powerful abilities. They drop one item at a time so that way they aren’t too overpowered.

  • Tokens the currency for Loot Machines found uncommonly in chests commonly in e-chests and guaranteed 2-3 in supply drops and cache cows as well as dropping 1-2 upon player kill.

New Items

  • Cracked Flint and Steel it is flint and steel but it breaks in 5 uses and is found in chests throughout the map.

  • Cross Bows appear in e-chests uncommonly as well as supply drops commonly

  • Sword of Shivers (wooden sword) this sword has a 1/5 chance of giving the player your hitting slowness 1 for 5 seconds (found in the new Loot Machines)

  • Sword of Embers works exactly like it does in SW (found in supply drops and loot Machines)

  • Leap Feather gives you a leap that flings you far good to get that one guy who’s always running away (Found in Loot Crates)

  • Brews are potions they are instantly drank when clicked allowing for quick paced usage

  • Swift Brew Speed 2 for 5 seconds (Found in new Loot Machines

  • Berserk Brew Strength for 2 seconds Use Quickly (Rarely found in Loot Machines)

*More ideas can be added if added to comments


(Ok this may be controversial and I understand why but hear me out I believe that this will freshen up the game and add replay value to the game with different ways to play which is something SG is lacking)

(Yes I’m aware these could be an LTM but I think it’d be better in base game)

  • Kits: you get your items after grace period ends

  • Zoomies Kit: Gets A swift brew and depth strider 1 leather boots

  • Flamer Kit: 2 Fire Boomboxes and Bling Boots

  • Woof Kit: has a pet dog that will respawn after 1 minute of the them dying you also get a chain chest plate in the start

  • Spooky Spider Kit: Gets 3 cobwebs and 2 web boomboxes

  • Arrow Guy: You get 3 arrows every 30 seconds and you have a bow. Along with projectile protection 1 chain pants.

IDEA is Pretty Cool,
But I don’t think so every game would be better with kits, Survival Games should kept original.

VOTED :+1:


I’m open to feedback regarding kits cause I know that’s a touchy subject especially given how the skywars players reacted before they realized it was an LTM.

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Sounds cool overall. Kits could definitely do with some nerfing, so maybe that idea would be scrapped altogether idk. In terms of the “loot machine” and extra chest items I’m down for that completely, it might allow games to start relatively quickly instead of waiting 5 minutes.


How would you nerf kits I’m open to feedback

ideas pretty cool, but:

  1. loot machines seem a bit too complicated for hive be’s playerbase and I just dont really like how they work tbh
  2. leap is kinda op for sg imo, youll catch up to the runner eventually if youre any good, theyll run into the wall or turn a bunch
  3. also add sword of ember, shiver sword should be gold, 1/4 hits and added to sw as well
  4. brews should just be like bd powerups but from e chests
  5. kits should be a separate mode like sw kits
6. change/nerf kits
  1. speed boost after kill is a bit much, would be really op at the cornucopia
  2. 1 pet dog with a bit of extra health would be fine, respawning would be op and avenging death would be kinda dumb to basically die to a player thats already dead
  3. spider kit generally op, make it 2 cobwebs per kill and 1 normal boombox at the start
  4. power 1 is kinda op but arrows are pretty common anyway

How I picture loot crates working is that they only pop out a single item since these are special so leap isn’t actually that overpowered if it’s rarity is tweaked enough as for the complexity of loot crates and leap is a one time use

I think it’s a little on the complex side but it’s not like it’s a required part of the game they are just handy in certain scenarios

As for kits yeah I’ll admit they are a little unbalanced I was like half asleep when coming up with them and I rushed it so I could catch some Z’s

Ember Sword I’ll agree should be in the loot crates but I felt should’ve been tied to the kits since they didn’t really have much going for it but I’ll adjust it so it is in there.

Lastly I still think kits (if it’s tweaked enough) should be in base game. I realize now the kits are too overpowered (aside from woof kit) to be in a base gamemode so I’ll try tweaking that to be more generic but still have original ideas included

But why, instead of adding and nerfing the kits to SG, it would be good to keep the Base Game original.

I mean like weak kits don’t have any purpose.

@BestAt12 I honestly dont completely understand what youre trying to say, unless its that kits should be added to the base game instead of making a new mode

Yeah that’s pretty much it, SG doesn’t have enough players to afford staying the same it needs constant changes to ensure it’s longevity

  1. thanks for clarifying the loot crates
  2. I bet they didnt add kits to base sw bc a lot of people want to play normal sw, but others want to play kits. its kinda the same with sg, some people would want to play with kits, and others would want og sg. I mean hive even made kits a separate npc even though sw and sw kits share xp, they could do exactly that for sg if they wanted to

The thing with SW is they didn’t add it because it was a very chaotic addition to base game and if they added kits in a simpler form it might just be a pointless addition given how easy it is to get loot in skywars compared to SG.

thing is when I changed up my kits is that I wanted them to not be as op as skywars but I wanted them to stand out but I realized now I didn’t do a good enough job of that but I think if the kits are more simple and not complex like sw kits it’s fine

But I did change up my SG kits and I think I managed to make them useful just not overly op

TLDR sg could use kits just not the ones sw kits has

I just dont want to have to play sg with kits every single time, just like people dont want to play sw kits all the time (I have many hive friends who play both sw and sw kits)

If the game with kits gets popular an permanent version without kits can be added

I dont see the logic in this as there would be huge backlash from players like me who want to keep playing normal sg if they ONLY had kits, and they usually add modes theyre testing as ltms and if THATs popular then they add it as a real thing

I mean… The kits don’t give you much so imo it’s not that big a deal

still, any kits in any pvp game is kinda game changing, no matter how small it is (unless its like 1 kit that everyone gets with a wood sword and a leather hat lol)

I mean, instead of adding kits to original game; SG Kits would be better gamemode.

dude if hive removed normal sg they would still lose most of the sg playerbase

That’s a stretch tbh they already lost most of their players due to inactivity with updates and general disinterest it sucks that SG has to change so drastically I realize that kits are controversial but players need a constant change and reason to come back and if sg kits were to be added as an ltm it would just split the player base further which is anything but what SG needs the problem with SG is replayability kits are a bandaid fix that needs to be constantly applied.

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