SG Overhaul

Well, I mean to KEEP THE BOTH!!
I don’t mean to remove original SG!

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oh wait my bad, I was tired lol

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Nah I’d Bump

maybe to nerf the kits have it set a special loot machine item
Zoomies Kit: swift pot
Flamer Kit: Sword of Embers
Archer Kit: Power 1 Bow

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The kits idea will be great for another SG mode (SG Kits). I and many other players literally enjoy the normal pvp experience.

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That’d split the already small player base and as long as the kits don’t affect gameplay too much it won’t be a big deal

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Swift Brew and Sword of embers are in loot machines but I did just decide to scrap embers being apart of the kit (still can be found in loot machines) and Power 1 due to it being a little op early game (scrapped entirely)

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@LLMeowser i meant the kit chooses the item you get from the loot machine

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Bump becuase 1 year since last bump

Maybe also:
Career - quite strong but only alowwed to have iron and lower and no specials
Bow - self explanatory
Swift - speed potion and leap
Smart - uses strange devices
Also new thing called vacuum cleaner that tracks player within 20 blocks and repeatedly bumps into them doing 1hp and are also unkillable and move at about between 4.317 and 5.612 so 4.932 b/s

Your kit ideas are W. The vacuum L

Why? It makes sense to add cute cat zonai devices

Its too op and dosent rellay fit in SG

Okay, I’ve read through the entire suggestion, and I’m gonna give my two cents on what I like and don’t like about it.


Kits in concept are not a bad idea. However, the ideas for the kits you posted are a bit excessive and accentuate some of the already existing problems with the game…

First lest talk about the Zoomies kit. Compared to the other kits, it doesn’t really do much, and just seems like one of the more annoying ones to deal with at the start since it can very easily be used to just run away. After you use your swift brew, you’re left with depth strider boots which won’t make too much of difference since their effectiveness depends on how much water is in a map. I’ll get more into the swift brew item itself later, but I honestly don’t really like the addition of this kit at all.

As for the Flamer kit, the inclusion of this one would just make the start of the game more chaotic than it already is. I think as it is right now, boomboxes are already too common for their own good, and this just makes the issue worse. Instead of just giving the player 2 boomboxes to start with right off the bat, players could instead get a boombox, or a different fire-based item every kill. If the spawn rate of boomboxes goes down with it, I think having the Flamer kit work like that would be better in the long run.

The Arrow Guy (Should honestly just be called the Archer Kit or Marskman Kit) seems like a decent idea at first, but getting 3 arrows every second by just running around the map all a time will just incentivize players to keep on evading fights to stack up on arrows to spam. The 3 arrows should instead be earned upon getting a kill, so players are less incentivized to run away all the time.

The other 2 kits, the Woof and Spooky Spider Kit seem like more gimmicky kits to be honest. And like I said with the Flamer Kit, the inclusion of extra boomboxes with the Spooky Spider kit already accentuates the problem with the excessive amount of boomboxes you get in Survival Games already.

As for the Woof Kit, I honestly don’t see a lot of people using it after trying it out once. Wolves die pretty easily, and their effectiveness will depend on how well Hive programs their AI. The most appealing thing about it is the chainmail chestplate you get at the start, which is a pretty big advantage at the start of the game.

All in all, I think kits if done right would be a great addition that would add more ways to play the game and incentivize players to experiment with different items more. However, they should focus more on giving players less incentive to evade fights and stall the game, and rewarding players who are actively participating in the game. Otherwise, with the way these kits are right now, I see them being more problematic than anything.

New Items

The cracked flint and steel I could see working as a slightly less common alternative to fire charges, which are already not that common and not really used all that much. Overall, I’m happy with the way this item was suggsted.

Crossbows I think would be an interesting addition to PvP in survival games, but I could also see them being annoying at times with how they can be used somewhat like a snowball as a non-spammable combo item that also happens to deal damage, but I guess the slow recharge time balances them out.

As for the two new swords, I’m not so keen on their inclusion. I already am not a huge fan of how the Sword of Embers was made to be a luck-based item and SkyWars, and I don’t like it being luck-based here either. The same could be said with the Sword of Shivers. They would work better if they were based on getting enough consecutive hits on a player without taking damage.

As for the leap feather, no. This item would be VERY easily abused by people who will just stall out the game by running around the map the whole time. While they can be used to catch up, its a big double-edged sword since it also works in favor of the runners. Besides, we already have launch pads and teleporters that can take people across the entire map, so this just feels unnecessary.

The same thing applies to the Swift Brew, to a slightly lesser extent. But overall, they are still a massive double-edged sword that would just increase the number of people running away all the time. The other brew though, just seems kind of worthless since its effects only last for 2 seconds. I don’t see too much of a need for it though, since armor in Survival Games is already weaker compared to games like SkyWars and BedWars.

All in all, some of these items would be good additions to the games, but items like the swift brew and leap feather would just increase the number of people stalling the game and make it more annoying to play.

Loot Machines & Tokens

Loot machines as an idea are actually really good. But, I personally think they would work better as something you can find in special locations in each map with some kind of challenge towards reaching them instead of just being frequently scattered everywhere.

Doing it this way would make it so players would have more incentive to seek out and explore the area around them rather than just randomly stumbling upon them by running around with their heads cut off. Maybe have them mapped on an activity tracker so new players would have a better chance of finding them.

All in all, with the tweaks suggested, I think this would be a great addition to the game, and add more depth to it. However, I would prefer if it would come with a different item pool.

Overall, I do see some good ideas in here. However, some of them would be problematic and just turn the game into more of a running simulator (Namely the inclusion of the Zoomies Kit, swift brew, and leap feather). I do agree that the game definitely needs some reworking in certain aspects to keep it from being as stale as it is, but for the majority of this suggestion, I don’t think this is the right way to go about it.


Bro always gets his inner Odyssey Central when giving his takes. I agree tho.