See (All) Previous Ghosts

I think it’d be really cool if you could have the option to see every previous successful run by having a toggle to see all of your previous successful runs via the ghosts. Being able to look back at all your previous attempts in real time sounds really cool! This should only be a toggle though since I could see this being very annoying if you have a lot of successful runs. You could also possibly put a cap on the number of previous runs displayed. The cap is just an idea to the main idea.

This might make the game really laggy, and I personally don’t want to see a whole marching band of ghosts ahead or behind me at all times. Possibly you could switch between your ghosts? ex.:

  • Ghost 1
  • Ghost 2 ✓
  • Ghost 3
  • Ghost 4

That would be cool as well to be able to choose which previous ghost. 10 could definitely make the game laggy. Maybe you could have the option to set your own cap? Like a slider starting at 0 (If for some reason you don’t wanna see your ghost) to a maximum number. The hive could decide on the maximum number if they decide to add this idea! Thanks for the feedback as I really appreciate it!


Yeah, maybe. That could be cool.

Yw for the feedback!


Exactly what I was thinking when I read this


Not sure how 4 extra entities for a player will lag a game, there already 100 entity’s, those being stars. Lag wouldn’t really be an issue


who said 4 extra entities?? I was making an example for switching between ghosts.

Also, I did say “might make the game laggy”.