Ability to switch between ghosts

I first got this idea here:

so now I’m suggesting it in it’s own topic.

Anyway, it’s a simple QOL change that would really widen the possibilities for the game. It would basically be an item in your hotbar, that, when left clicking on it, would open a list of your all your previous ghosts that have completed a parkour. Ghost limit is 20 per parkour. Example:

Select one of your ghosts here

  • Ghost 1
  • Ghost 2
  • Ghost 3
  • Ghost 4
  • Ghost 5 ✓
  • Ghost 6
  • Ghost 7

The little ghost item in your hotbar would pop up whenever you get within 5 or so blocks to the start of a parkour (the little green square that starts your run).

Here is my concept for the hotbar item. It’s not the prettiest but I think I did pretty well.

But yeah, that’s it for my idea. If you liked it, it would be great if you could leave a vote. Thank you!

this already got really buried, so bump. Hopefully anyone seeing this now likes my idea.


I like this idea, I can’t say much besides that the hotbar item is cool, and Voted!(wait I don’t have plus rank I can’t even use the ghost)

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