Save inventory when starting the game like in the bridge

Save inventory when starting the game like in the bridge

I just find it quite annoying when I have to switch my inventory slots


Sorry, I misunderstood what you were saying, as I didn’t see that this was suggested in #suggestions:capture-the-flag. I agree that more games should have this feature. One potential problem with Capture the Flag though is that you always have a different set of items, unlike Bridge. This could make this feature potentially hard to implement.

Happy New Year!

Sorry I’m quite new to this website so i was a bit confused sorry about that😅. with the inventory this I meant the item you start with so say you wanted to switch the bow with the pick then that would save not all the other items:). Also Happy new year!!

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I assume it’s the perfect time to bump this. Having to switch inventory slots after the game has already started is quite annoying so we should either have inventory saving for the four starting items or we should be able to move items while waiting for the game to start, although inventory saving would be preffered.


Wow… happy new year again?… anyway, there is no reason to object to this! It’s really annoying to sort your items while others get a head start!