Rework for diamond ores/armor & loot distribution

NOTE: This suggestion was originally titled “Remove duplicate drops from diamond ores” but after doing some thinking and playing more SkyWars matches, I decided to rethink how this idea would be implemented.

Obtaining armor on SkyWars right now feels pretty luck-based (A little too luck-based in my opinion). Whilst I understand that RNG is apart of the game, it shouldn’t be so prominent that it can result in one player getting full diamond armor right off spawn and another player missing a chestplate and no blocks. It just makes the game more unfair and frustrating, especially for newer players. So, here’s how I would go about fixing it.

:briefcase: Fixes for loot distribution

Essentially, I think that everyone off spawn should be guaranteed at least a full set of armor off spawn. It could be a mix of iron or chain. It doesn’t have to be the exact same type of armor, but its better than being left without a chestplate, which is the strongest armor piece in the game.

Topped with that, I don’t think players should be able to get items like ender pearls and knockback boomboxes right off spawn. Its essentially just giving them a free ticket to mid and leaves other players with very little good stuff left in the chests.

(Speaking of pearls, I think this would be a good change to implement.)

I also think blocks should be guaranteed in each chest, but the number of blocks you get should be reduced since giving players too much of them results in lots of blockspam and people blocking themselves in. Doing it this way gives everyone more of a fair chance to do well in the game, leading to a more enjoyable and less frustrating experience.

:gem: Changes to diamond ores and diamond armor

Originally, this post was about removing duplicates from diamond ores, and I still stand by the idea of removing duplicates. Essentially, it would help reduce the amount of inventory clutter you get and give you a better chance at winning a fight against someone with better gear than you. However, with how I mentioned getting full diamond off spawn would be a huge problem, I think changes to diamond ore distribution would be necesarry.

First off, I don’t think diamond ores should be able to generate on spawn islands, regardless of whether duplicate drops are removed or not. Essentially, if you do end up getting full diamond armor, there would be little reason to even go to mid unless its to get cleanup and prevent other players from getting the armor in the ender chests. Its essentially just giving players who get it a free win, and leaving everyone else with a small chance of winning.

Speaking of diamond armor, this may be a controversial idea, but I think the diamond chestplate should be removed. My reasoning for this being topped with having full absorption hearts and life spells, fights take WAY too long when its a 1v1 between two players with max gear. And because of how the full diamond set works, every weapon from a stone sword and up does the same damage, so it doesn’t really matter if you have a sharp 1 diamond sword. Topped with the fact that people love to run away, it gets really annoying having to chase down a person who can tank every hit when you just want the game to end already. So essentially, removing the diamond chestplate would make it take less time to kill people, resulting in fights dragging less and being less gear based when it becomes a tradeoff.

:crystal_ball: Conclusion

In conclusion, these changes would make SkyWars a lot more fair and balanced, and could also possibly reduce the amount of people running away for 10 minutes and camping. Alongside that, it would help to prevent games from dragging on for too long, leading to a less frustrating and more enjoyable experience.

I honestly think this is a great suggestion. I had problems with getting the same thing twice. I just have one small problem with it. If we already have an item and we do not get a duplicate of the item, we have to wait to get the duplicate of the item after we have obtained all tools and armor from the diamond ore. In some cases, dupes are useful in team modes because if you get a spare tool or armor you could give it to your friend who doesn’t have that high tier gear. But anyway, this would probably be a great feature for solos.

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I agree. Dupes should stay in the team modes, but not solos.


I get dupes so often I’m almost convinced they were programmed specifically to drop only the first item you got like 80 percent of the rest of ore drops. I could end up with 4 diamond helmets and no other diamond armor, and it’s so annoying.


Ender chests were added at the middle to have guaranteed diamond stuff. Making diamond ore guarantee what you want would make staying at your base the whole game the winning strategy again.


But the thing is, the spawn rate for diamond ores is really low. Having them drop dupes just makes them pointless.

No bc that’s what makes the game harder

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I’ve also noticed people getting diamond armour less, this could be why :face_with_monocle:

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No, it makes the game feel more luck-based if anything.


Why isn’t this a thing yet? I know this is old but I am bumping it, this will make less people complain about Hive skywars being way too RNG, and I’m all for that.

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Overall I hate the Systeme of Hive Skywars and Survival games. Im in the middle, what happend I push some one who camp on the island.
He kills me cuz HE has BETTER stuff than me in the middle (not very often). And no I’m not a noob.
If you kill any one what did you get? Nothing, you need to kick him in the void, why? The damge deals that many damage that you need to kick him of the edge. Or if you kill him, what did you get? Mhh 2steaks and diamond boots.
Thanks for that.

What I wish.

Rank Systeme
Void should be lower
Crafting anything with iron or diamond (ore)
Entchanting /Ambos cuz if you kill any one Sharp 2 and this four times you has a reason to kill people for a Sharp IV. (Or like that)
More arrows/snowballs/eggs.

This is critic, they wouldn’t do what I say I’m sure.
But what are you thinking about?

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first of all if diamond ore doesnt drop dupes then almost everyone would be stacked a there is a very high chance youll get atlestt 4-3 diamonds in ur island


thers aldready a suggestion go vote there

thers aldready a suggestion go vote there

iron and diamond dont drop themeselves

sharpness 2 is enough sharp 4/5 will ruin the game

people would just spam and i dont think theyll add eggs

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all of these have been suggested before iirc

also if you want to make a suggestion, dont just randomly post on another thread

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I got a diamond chestplate 5 times a row
this is so annoying


:ok_hand: that my friend, is Skywars rng hating on u so hard that u are gonna break your fingers.

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Nah, that’s why it’s called SkyWars Lucky Ores.


Personally I think this would be OP. getting 4 diamonds on your island guarantees a full set straight away. I think it would be better to decrease the chances of getting that same item if you’ve already got it? I assume that it’s a 20% chance for each item, so once you’ve gotten a certain item its drop chance will change to 5-10%? instead of 20?

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Lmao, Exactly

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I suppose that could also work, I think this is a good change as there will be less people complaining how RNG based skywars is

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I would like to see this. Its always annoying when it happens. I think that it should only decrease the chance you get a duplicate items, good suggestion!