Replay cinema pov

Hi all. I am yet to buy replay cinema and im debating if i want to spend my money on it. This might already be a feature.

My idea is that in replay cinema You can look through players POV making you see that your/opponents saw during the game.

This will likely also help if you want to see if the opponent was for e.g. reaching. As you can now see their POV.


As much as we’d love to do this, current limitations in the Minecraft client wouldn’t allow for us to add this in a ‘nice’ way.

As soon as it becomes possible for us to be able to implement this feature in a nicer way, we’ll be sure to add it.


/execute [selected player] ~~~ tp [invisible, invunerable, ect entity] ^^^10
/tp [spectator] [selected player] facing [entity]

im sure its not that simple but i’m sure many players would be fine with a choppy pov feature as long as it does the job.


That’d be a good idea… If The Hive ran on commands, but it doesn’t, it runs on plugins. Unrelated: I love commands :smile:.

And it would be very low quality.
(also I read the low quality part, and I’m sure you said what I just meant)


Well, I’m guessing he’s just suggesting a basis for how it would work, i.e. teleport the spectator into the head of the player, and have them face the same direction, which could easily be converted to a plugin

Now I’ll agree that it might be choppy which isn’t great for people who like making montages so they likely wouldn’t add it

What I will say is that since mojang do have spectator mode for bedrock in beta there is possibility of them adding the ability to enter an entity like on Java, unfortunately, knowing mojang’s tendencies when it comes to adding java features to bedrock, they either don’t or do while making it very limited, we can always hope though


Ir ciuld also have a mode to see incentory


i jsut made a post on this and now im reviving the topic because splodger informed me it existed

edit: i didnt make the post my other account (collin526) made it


okay I find this post.
Today I really had two amazing rounds and I want to record. Though third person pov is not that bad.
Really hope this could come some day.


same here lol

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