Remove Chat in MM

I think that it would be very good to remove the ability for players to talk in chat whilst playing MM.

The reason I say this is that on several occasions (while ive been murder and while i havent) i have seen players type into chat some thing along the libes of “Is So and so i saw them murder someone! If you have a bow shoot them!” or its worse when its “My friend just got killed by so and so and they told me they have this skin so shoot them.”

This is frustrating because when youre a murderer and you kill someone and someone sees and says this the entire game knows and you are instantly at a disadvantage. As an innocent or sheriff this takes away the fun of having to figure out who the murderer is which the entire point of the game, and at this point it just becomes who can shoot the person. If i wanna play that ill just go play Ground Wars.

Anywho thats my rant :]


i feel like that’s the point of being murderer, to keep your identity hidden. maybe thats just me. you should be careful when you kill someone as another person could see you. its more of a skill issue than a game issue, not to be mean or anything


I agree. It is very annoying and I always get those people yell out to the whole server that I’m the murder. Even though I am a good murderer, it’s a disadvantage cause now everyone’s bows are at you and you are basically screwed.


Kill before people get bows and it won’t be a problem. They could disable chat during mm games but they dont bc innocents are supposed to be able to talk and figure out who it is collaboratively. If you’re losing games bc people are saying its u in chat u obv shouldnta left them alive. Ghosts cant talk, but living people can - seems very intuitive to me.


But there is no chat! noOne ever say anything tho?

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There is a chat. You can access it by pressing the right d-pad button on controller, the speech bubble button on mobile, or t or enter on keyboard


not always i pulled out my sword, killed one person and they sed tis the kangaroo (that was my skin) and still manage to get a full lobby kill and the guy who shouted me ut sed i was using hacks when i play on ps :expressionless:


Voted! It feels like nobody says anything in chat until I’M murder and that one person says “fox is murderer,” so I understand how frustrating that can be :angry:


I win most of my murder games anyways even when i get called out, I cant imagine this being a big enough problem to change. People who are in vc or in party just say who it is in party chat or vc anyways so this gives people playing by themselves a bit of a boost as well. Since it’s fair, keep chat on!


I agree, especially since people can abuse this, and say “[User] is murderer” when someone’s just following them, and people just point their bows at them, thus losing an innocent and a sheriff. Voted!

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This can be so annoying; you have my vote.

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that could also be saying like “remove sw chat” because there is a hacker you hide from him and someone just ses something like “he at blu base” but they wont remove sw chat so why should they remove mm chat. it can be annoying but in my opinion sw chat is more annoying

Well why were you hiding? Yeah ghosting isn’t allowed, but neither is hiding. That can be reported as prolonging game. (In sw, not mm)


I uh
I dont think ur right here


he means in sw since the other person brought that up…for some reason

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that doesnt really change the course of the game…in mm if someone says something that reveals the murderer everyone turns their bows on them and boom game over…in sw if someone says literally anything the game will proceed the same where everyone fights to the death and the last person standing wins…

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not always

Hiding in mm can be more annoying then chat tbh

Can we get back to the topic? I understand that some people would say,” The point is to work together to eliminate the murderer”. But, ITS LITERALLY IN THE NAME. Murder MYSTERY. Mystery.
It’s supposed to be a secret so hive add this and I will… umm …. do something cool

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just because its a “mystery” doesnt mean players cant work together to solve it… The murderer also always has the option to say its another random person to confuse people.