Remove castle town

Castle town should be deleted

You may think :thought_balloon: why? Should it be removed well I think that it’s an unfair map, it has too much space for the innocents to make a shot and kill the murderer and if you are the murderer here then get a lot of kills and win! BUT NOPE all keys are found and you lose so easily and the number 1 thing you shouldn’t do is camp the armory for the sheriff everybody else gets a bow and steals your kill

Well yeah it is hard for MM If they found all the keys, It’s not impossible for a murderer to win
I have won several games as a Murderer as sheriff or as an innocent so yeah play more and you’ll become better and better

and about removing the map yeah no


Castle Town is overrated, but it shouldn’t be removed. It has its fun, like the flooding, the apples, and the keys. It’s hard for murderer sometimes, but it’s fine either way. You win some, you lose some.


I dont see it as an unfair map


Castle towns key thing is what makes so much different from the other maps and is personally my favourite


Imho the map backrooms gets voted more and is more overated thr castle town everytime backrooms is a option it gets picked


Personally I don’t see the problem with castle town. The innocents find all the keys? Flood the middle, potentially killing 2-5 players with only 15 coins. This is a really useful feature for the Murderer as it is hard to escape the flood and there are multiple place to activate it. I originally did not like castle town as much, (back when it released) but now I see it as a balanced map that is favorable for when you’re playing as the murderer and when you’re playing as innocent. :mag: :bow_and_arrow: @TouristyTea225 I have played the backrooms map way to much (remember the hunt), and the map is very tight, leading to not being able to move freely (as much). Which is something I really like to see in a murder mystery map. :desktop_computer: backrooms is also definitely overrated.


It lost its popularity. I barely ever see it anymore.


I’m pretty sure backrooms was either realy popular because it’s… well
the backrooms or because people were requeuing if it was the wrong variant (for the costume).

anyway no I will defend castle town with my life


That’s true its still somewhat popular just not as much and thats bc of backrooms and the costume hunt in abckrooms was part of that

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Why does everyone want to remove castle town? It is my personal favorite map, and people say it is to hard, but I have won as murderer on it multiple times, while some maps I never have.


you kidding? if it’s there it will be voted the most, unless there are those black and white/edgy teenage skins doing their weird sabbath stuff at night/early in the morning, then it’s office time

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Every map has its own meta and castle town is no different it’s just that it’s meta is significantly different and I really like it for that.


I would need many hands to count how many times I’ve won as the murderer on castle town, it’s my favorite map and I think it’s unique and different.


I get murderer all the time on castle town :crossed_swords:


Lucky… veerry lucky…


Yeah :expressionless: very lucky

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Removing a map outright isn’t very reasonable. It is an extremely unique map compared to the other ones (Minus the backrooms of course). To me it sounds like you got killed by the sheriff on the map and are venting on the forums. And not all of it is open. There is a street lined with houses on the border of the map. Granted, the majority of the map is pretty open but still. You need to think about your suggestions in terms of “How would this benefit everybody?” instead of “How would this please me?”.


I still really think this idea isn’t well (that was the equivalent for “good” for you whipper snappers), so I guess I’ll correct grammar since I don’t have anything else to say:

Original Grammar:

Castle town should be delete

You may think :thought_balloon: why? Should it be removed well I think that it’s an unfair map, it has too much space for the innocents to make a shot and kill the murderer and if you are the murderer here then get a lot of kills and win! BUT NOPE all keys are found and you lose so easily and the number 1 thing you shouldn’t do is camp the armory for the sheriff everybody else gets a bow and steals your kill

Correct Grammar:

Castle Town should be deleted.
You may be thinking, “Why should it be removed?” Well, I think that it’s an unfair map, it has too much space for the innocents to shoot their shot and kill the murderer, and if you are said murderer, then it’s very difficult to win due the to armoury, which can be opened with a small price of 3 keys scattered around the map. The number one thing the murderers do (which could be what you do) is camp this armoury, which can get really annoying at times. I guess that it’s also hard for the sheriff since other people will “take your kill” if somehow they know who the murderer is.

So yes, that is pretty much it. Hope this helped in some way?

You have no idea how long it took to write that. I actually got my dad who was a English teacher and a lawyer to correct my spelling mistakes. Please take this without offence.


Back to school, it’s summer nooooooooo

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