Remove castle town

Don’t go to school. :dab:

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Always go to school work smarter (school makes you smart) not harder :aggressive_laughter: :rofl: :nerd_face:

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No, I mean I don’t go to school anymore.
Let’s get back on topic, since school can be stressful and not fun to talk about in the summer.

Okay okay good point

How bout remove castle town keys instead of the map

Or add 2 more keys
And make it 5 maybe an amethyst and quartz key.
Purple and white


well then what would make it special, it would just be a village without anything to make it stand out.

Where did you get that avatar pfp? Did they add somethign when you get all the stars??


It’s the Pw poster contest avatar for entering the competition.

Oh ididnt get to finish my bb model poster in time

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But how do you know that… it hasn’t even been shown yet. Or has it? I’m just saying because the results aren’t even open. Yet.


I have it (and it’s on the hive support website)


Thread closed at the request of the original poster.