Ranked Treasure Wars in HIVEMC?!?!?!?!?!?!

PLease add a ranked mode for treasure wars… a lot of people don’t like playing with pc players when they are on a phone. I think this would be better because this would mean people could finally get an actual spot in the leaderboard for ranked instead of going against couch potatoes in a win only leaderboard. The leaderboard should be based on elo with games won and games lost. Losing a certain amount for each win or loss.

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This has been mentioned before, and I’m fairly sure that it will not be added. If you want more information contact an admin.

And welcome @SillyFawn997130.


It won’t happen—separating good and bad players or separating mobile and pc/console is not viable. It’s a featured server and it’s Better Together, not Better Mobile and PC Separated.

And skill = skill. A ranked mode won’t separate pros from noobs.

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Actually the the main owner who owns the official twitter, youtube, and hive discord told me that they are allowed to do this. :clown_face::clown_face: Also theres a lot of people who want this implemented but they havent said anything in the forums yet. Separating players isn’t a problem I think the skill gap is a problem because I win almost every game and its not entertaining beating a player whos trying to fight you with their thumbs on a screen and you are fighting them with a keyboard and mouse.

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Let me explain. It doesn’t matter if they said they are allowed to do that. If they did, there would be massive issues or backlash. This thread has been made before, and talked about. So kind of a shameless post. Plus I’m sure they aren’t allowed to do this, because Minecraft Bedrock Edition (Console, pc, nitendo switch etc.) Are all connected to the same network as the game, as well as verified servers. So taking away that, will cause massive issues.

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Im not saying they should separate pc and mobile im saying there should be a ranked because im tired of playing with people who are skill gapped. Xbox players and mobile players can still play with pc they just have to be good to compete at the same elo as another player whos really good. Beating up people who cant do anything against you is boring. Therefore, everyone can still play together but ranked would be a different mode so people wouldn’t have to deal with players who can easily outplay them.

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Again, this topic has already been talked about before. And if you think that Xbox players or mobile players aren’t good, errr… think again. I’ve seen some of those gods.

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Haha again im not saying they arent good im literally saying there should be an option for people to play the game with their own elo. Ive seen good players too and believe me I want these people in my games. But I can not have them in my games like I would like because im stuck with playing against players who have no clue what they are doing… I want a ranked mode because there is no point in playing Treasure Wars once you hit lvl 50. The ranked mode would mean people would play more to get these leaderboard spots for confidence boosts and bragging rights. Overall it would be nice to play against a challenge when I choose to and also not play against them by playing in a normal Treasure Wars game.

Hive isn’t interested in adding this at the moment. If playercounts increase enough, they might consider it.


Tbh ranked gamemodes don’t suit bedrock minecraft. It’s more about fun than sweating even I sweat sometimes for a Victory, but i’m a tryhard so that’s different case.


ELO would be nice to some extent, but could lead to more closet cheaters, so ex. Someone gets a autoclicker


Closing this thread as it is no longer necessary.