Ranked Treasure Wars Mode

My idea here is for a ranked mode for Treasure Wars (and possibly other modes as well!).

I think that Treasure Wars could benefit from something like this. When I play, I notice that the games can be very unbalanced. I feel that adding some sort of ranked mode could be really great! I am sure stuff like this has been suggested, but I think this way is far different and maybe better?

I have talked about this and the specifics in the Hive Discord, and got really good feedback from other players. This could be more like a tier system (as you see in games such as PUBG Mobile), in which you go up in different divisions, and play against other players with similar ranks. Wins would slowly give you even less points, and losses would slowly lose you more points. This would completely eliminate the possibility of players having a ton of wins, just because they play a lot (for example, a player with a win percentage of 25%, who has played 500 games, would have more wins than a player who has played 200 games, but wins 50% of the time).

About team modes,
This was brought up in my discussion with the community in the Discord server. I thought of a simple, yet what I think to be a great answer. Leagues. I am pretty sure they have been suggested before, but this would be a great help (and fun way) to do teams. Perhaps rather than your ranking going up from what it is in solos, it would go up for your league, that way, you canโ€™t just go up as one of the highest ranking players, just by getting carried.

I know there are a ton of flaws and questions with this, so I would really like and enjoy feedback. I have answers to some questions, as I have thought about the specifics of this for a while. I usually donโ€™t post ideas online, but I think this one is definitely worth it.

Thanks for the read, and I hope for lotโ€™s of feedback!

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Hey there! This has already been suggested here. Next time try using the search :mag: feature to check before posting. :ok_hand:
