Ranked Skywars for equality

That’s sounds good :+1: As long as we’re getting back on topic


it shouldnt be based off of kdr, thats not a valid way to calculate skill

i’d say prob total kill count because if you get carried every game you’ll have booka wins

Or maybe the amount of xp you have…

they would have to base it off of unmodified xp

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thats not how kdr works, it doesnt get higher depending on who you beat lmao.

Bruh i know its not based on how much someone has, im just saying that i have low kdr even though im actually decent


hipixel got destroyed because of ranked skywars if it comes to the hive it will increase hackers and toxicity


Its a good idea but it will be better if platforms are ranked together

but i like killing nons

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I totally agree with this. Good players like myself get bored when there isn’t anybody who are equal skill level, and the times that it seems as if there is another good player, they would fall off the map or smthn like it. And if players don’t want to play ranked because it could be sweaty, then just have ranked be a separate gamemode. almost like a ranked/casual system. Also, I think it should work on sort of a mmr/elo type system. Like every win you get it boosts your elo, and a loss would lower it. The amount of kills could have maybe a small factor. Not unmodified xp, because I don’t think there’s a way to lose xp, so you’d just go up until eventually you hit the top.

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they suck at the game because they don’t want to play against players who are worse than them? logic 100.

hive doesn’t have a messaging system and you can always report people for being toxic. ranked shouldn’t be disregarded as an idea because it went badly on a server on an entirely different platform


I meant those who want good players gone because they aren’t good at the game

tru but imo, if this were to happen I think hive or someone else should test the waters whether its a Ranked SW BETA mode or a unofficial ranked mode just to see how things will work. Like if the players are toxic or if people closet cheat.

The person who suggested this didnt say whether there should be cosmetics or not for ranked. If there isn’t any prizes people might still play normal skywars cuz theres nothing special about ranked but this could make more intense skywars games without having to put prizes.

On the other hand if there were prizes more people would be interested as there are prizes to be won, however that means that there would be cheaters just trying to get the prizes and its mostly up to the community to decide whether the player is cheating or not till the replay system is out

I agree since, my average kd is 5 to 8, it gets pretty boring when I play with beginners, I am level 30 (no Hive+) and the people around me are levels 1-5. I don’t mean this to be disrespectful but they are pretty bad, to the extent of me 1 v 4 a squad and only losing a couple hearts. If Hive added a ranked mode or a op mode where everyone is guaranteed good loot it might level the playing field

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I agree it shouldn’t be about the toxicity it should just be having fun and improving skill. And improving skill can be achieved by playing those at the same skill as you.

Was gonna vote but I have decided against it

Funny number

honestly, i just try to avoid skywars because its already a competitive mess. sometimes people spawn on their island with full diamond, pearls and snowballs etc while i get chain, and cant even find blocks. if there was a limited RNG mode where everyones chests had the same things, all the islands generated the same ore layouts and the ores didnt drop the same items 100 times over, i would consider taking it more seriously, but it seems more of a joke with KB fish, random chance fire swords and 7 gosh darn pairs of diamond boots in a row getting me killed for no reason

People are good at the game and there’s a bit of luck, this is so terrible!!1!1

mate im good at the game, thats why i play treasure wars and have a 4KD
The issue is that you really cant treat skywars as a Fair competitive experience the same way smash bros doesnt count items or hazards. the game has more than enough RNG to completely demolish your chances of winning a direct battle, and some of the items are so weird that it makes fighting people more about “who owns the spell of life and some pearls” than who can actually play the game

Ender chests will solve that lol

Pearls aren’t that great, they take away a fourth of your health

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