Random Kit Option


Add an option to pick a random kit in the kit selection menu.


Sometimes you’re unsure and you don’t really care which kit you use. This is a small idea but I think it could be fun as you could do challenges and other cool things with a random kit option.

y tho

if you want to try a new kit, then just try a new kit

if ur not sure about which one then try each one and see which one suits u :slightly_smiling_face:

Also a part of this kit

How tho?
They’re talking about choosing a random kit at the start of the game and its kinda different from your suggestion :man_shrugging:

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Yeah I was talking about choosing a random kit at the start of the game

This already exists, I believe, if you don’t select a kit before the game starts. I could be wrong about that, though



wait what
did they update kits without telling us i am so confused Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Oops sorry my message didnt send because of trash wifi, this should be added because only alts and new players have access to this kit, say goodbye to your exclusive random kit if you selected a kit


bro i was abouta contact Lia at hive team Ahahhhhhh