Public Ranking System For The Bridge

When you queue for Solos on The Bridge you are informed that there is Skill-Based Matchmaking. This means that you will be placed against a player of similar skill and abilities to you which (most likely) implies that there is a Hidden Value linked to your profile which dictates how good The Hive believes you to be.

So my idea is this, why not make those values public! Here are some of the reasons I believe this will be a perfect addition to The Bridge.

  • We have monkey brains! Meaning that we love seeing numbers go up, even if for example the ranking system is 1-100, people are going to find much more satisfaction in raising that number up to 100 compared to just gaining EXP for a level, which brings me to my next point.

  • It adds more insensitive to play The Bridge, the problem with the current EXP and Level system for the bridge, it’s fated to become a static number, currently the max level on The Bridge is 20, and some players will just find satisfaction in grinding to that max level and then never playing again, but a competitive value will always be changing and you will always have that desire to raise that number.

  • It adds more competition, players can compare their skill value to other players and hearing someone else having a higher value then yours will just give you an even stronger drive to play more and win more.

  • The Bridge is a small enough game where if the Skill Value system isn’t introduced well there won’t be to much negativity, and developers can gain feedback on what they did right and wrong so that they may be able to introduce the system to other game modes

Counter-argument Responses

“That seems that it would be to much to develop”

  • As I said above, there most likely is already a Skill Value assigned to every player to make Skill-Based matchmaking work

If you have any ideas or comments to make I’d love to hear them, you can find me over on the Hive discord. (Ping me all you like, I don’t ever get annoyed lol)

Probably gonna increase toxicity. :confused:

I do think it would be cool to see the ranking as I don’t really understand why it would cause toxicity anymore than something like treasure wars levels or win streaks

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i swear there was a post made abt this not too long ago and it was locked bc it would’ve created toxicity

Let’s vote on this suggestion to add a leaderboard!

btw Hive often uses the word “toxic” in these topics, have they ever elaborated on why it is toxic?
If you have a post that explains that argument, which is not convincing, please share the link with me.

It would be fun to have a public score, at least for yourself, but I also think that it’s a lot of private information to share. For example, you’re hopping on to play a chill Bridge game and before the game even starts, the opposing teammate will already know if they will win or not, and vice versa. it’s just not… fair to show something like that. It works well in getting people similarly skilled as you, but can be toxic among other things.
And by toxic, I mean it could lead to unkindness and disrespect. Sure, not everyone will be that way, but you know how some people are

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