Prestige weighted match making

Removing and reposting this as never caught many views, and I made some improvements that would go unnoticed. Can’t delete my post for some reason so I’m left with this.
Go see the new one: Prestige lobbies

sbmm in a nutshell
actually more like level based matchmaking


levels-based matchmaking, but I do love it. But I’m sure I’ll hate it when I get to a higher level. Voted.

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This is a really cool idea that I like. Also, I doubt the party problem will come up often as who would party with a lower prestige when they could party with an equal?

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Hey there! This is a great idea! But i think a small level-players could join the game so that the game isnt all sweaty and the game wont be so long since people siderush and usually they combo the enemy and get the t and kill them, but since sweats can combo, they will trade hits for so long and if one of them dies, the other will be low and can be killed but when they get to the enemy’s base they have a sword and gets killed or can get the treasure and dies.

And also i dont think it should notbe based on prestige but more on stats, and players who have like 420 wins (just a joke) can go to prestige’s lobbies as well as new players.

But how many bonux exp will they get and will it stack with the 1H boost you can buy with QP and with Hive+? And also they could go onto a party and load into a match and kill every prestige player until they are both alone and the level 70 can grind ills for exp and no one will notice because prestige players usually do /q wars quickly.

No, let prestige players play normal games and get the same exp as they already do when they play a normal match and give them boost while on the prestige lobby thing.

G’Bye! :wave: