Prepare for the forum Xbox Live login migration

What about an alias account. Because for my Xbox account, the primary email is my personal one. For here it is my alias account. Some one please answer this

make the primary email on ur forums acc the one for ur xbl acc


When is this change going to happen

Sooooo will the forums itself automatically make a new account with my Microsoft account?

see the email in the preferennces thing of your account? If that isn’t the same as your x box email, your current account will be terminated (ig)

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WAIT WHATTTTT…ohhhh nooooo…can I change this acc in any way??

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have a look at this


damn im about to be red miled here

I think I’ll just attach my forum account to my minecraft alt.

Would anyone know if I could make an alt, link forums to that account (Which I would name Emberz) and still be able to login without hassle to my main account (XIXEmber1)?

Yea I just changed it!..soo woohoo!!!

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You would be able to login normally in minecraft

It’s just that your alt will get all the perks (In-game)

But you won’t have access to the hive plus perks as you (probably) don’t have hive+ on your alt


So I don’t need to do anything else right?

wait what perks do we get from this? i don’t want the forums to be flooded with 6 year old kids going “hOW dO i gEt mY rEwaRds??”


wAiT wHaT rEwArDs

As long as the primary email on your forum account matches that of your Microsoft one, you’re good :slight_smile:

Cries in no hive+

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Uhhhhhhh is there a way to change your email for xbox live without it screwing up anything in your account, leaving you with everything you originally had like worlds and progress on servers…???

Dont change your x box email, change the email on the forums here

This page might be able to help you

Changing the email of your Microsoft account will not alter / wipe your stats in game, as it’s still the same account just with a different email