Powerup Idea: Paintbrush

After a few games of Block Party with “Loppy”, I had an idea for a powerup that could be useful, so i decided to post it here.


After the game picks a color, using it on a block will paint the block and change it to the picked color. It’s one-time use, and only paints one block.


If I’m being honest, Block Party has potential to be the next Block Drop. I don’t want it to be too similar of course, but more powerups will help make the game more interesting.

Thanks for reading!

JJ's Note

I’m currently trying to reach lvl25 in Block Drop. Hopefully it doesn’t take too long…

I like it, but i think one square just seems silly to me, its just like another colo(u)r teleporter, i would rather a colo(u)r bomb powerup which i think has been suggested before

Zpc03’s note

Why is “Loppy” always referred to with quotation marks


Don’t worry, its relatively easy If you have the right technique.
As for the powerup I like it but how rare would it be?

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Eh. colour bombs are supposed to be a special type of thing (like mystery chests in sw or golden powerups in gw), making them a powerup removes that feeling.

It’s a long story…

Slightly less rare than a teleporter.


This is a bit off-topic but could you please tell me how you put your topic into sections?

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If you type *** into an empty line, it turns into a section.



Would look like this:




Thank you !


It’s a great idea but would be better if it’s able to paint 3×3 (9 blocks).


That’s basically just a paint bomb then, which has been suggested before (New Blockparty Power up - The Colour Bomb!)

Ik JJ said it removes what makes it feel special or whatever but

  1. The SG flare exists, and
  2. It would be better game design to have a colour bomb because people would instantly know how it works

If you mean new players, I feel like people would know how a paintbrush works just as much as a color bomb. If you mean experienced players, then i think they still have a bit of an idea of how a paintbrush works.

It’s just that specifically painting one block then walking towards that block seems so clunky, chucking a paint bomb would make much more sense, also allowing other players to feasibly come.

Again, this just seems like a more tedious colour teleporter (or whatever it is called), because no one is really gonna jump on your block, and if they did it would block everyones vision which just isn’t very good design.

Even the colour bomb idea has flaws, you could just chuck it last second, but it seems much easier to fix that one than this one.
With a 3x3 platform, a sound, and only allowing it outside of the last two seconds, i think this would be a good powerup.