New Blockparty Power up - The Colour Bomb!

The idea is kind of simple - A new power up that works like a manual version of the colour bomb.

It would work by right-clicking to convert the ground under you to the colour of the current round or it could plant a colour bomb in that position that goes of at the end of the round with a chat message saying “-player- has placed a colour bomb!”.

If added it could decrease the drop chance of the CT, or replace it.


  • Less OP since it can be used by other players making it more balanced in later rounds and 1v1 scenarios
  • Only usable during the round when the floor exists making it a tougher decision whether you use it then or save it until later (unlike teleporter which is just keep hold of until the floor disappears and you start falling.)


  • Might make later rounds too easy, though still would be slightly more balanced than teleporter since both players can use the spawned platform.

Concept Texture:

Of all the suggestions i have seen about the colour teleporter, this one is probably the best, but still, i am not sure. I actually like BP as it is now.

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This could make an interesting new item, however shouldn’t completely replace the Color Teleporter.


I agree. I would vote for this if it didn’t replace the teleporter.


I think it should be a separate power up and decrease the rate of the color teleporter


Ok, I’ve taken your guyses feedback into account and decided to edit the post.


I actually think this could be a fun item, but as others have said I don’t think it should replace the Colour Teleporter