Every moment in my life has been leading up to this.
ok not really
But still, really nice concepts!
Every moment in my life has been leading up to this.
ok not really
But still, really nice concepts!
THERE. IS. A. HUB. MAZE. That is awesome! Hive please start putting mazes in hubs.
The rest of it is great too, I just love that there is a maze. It is amazeing.
It is only a small maze, should I maybe expand it?
If you want to expand it you can, but given the amount of time you have before the game starts it’s probably fine the way it is.
Good point, I will keep it the same.
im jk lmao
The maze hub concept is amazing
See that, Bubblez? The joke was so good Oblivion vomited out of joy!
Anyway, I do like the maze. It gives you something to do, like the parkours in a lot of other game hubs.
Lemme fix your sentence here.
Thats better
You know there’s a maze in the skywars hub as well
I forgot about that, but that one is weird and involves ladders. I want a real, one level maze.
I think this post is complete, but before I make sure of it, is there anything that I am missing from a game or anything that should be added?
We’re power ups mentioned yet? They could spawn around the map
No, this is could be very interesting? What woukd they do though?
What if there was some kind of portal bomb that spawned a big portal?
Where would this take you/what would be its use?
It would be bigger than the bow portals and therefore easier to get someone stuck in an infinite loop with.
I like the idea of that.
So it would be a powerup?
Yes. It would work like the normal bomb powerup in GW.
I will add that now then ! I will add a powerups tab and try to brainstorm some ideas.
(Bump/Edit) I have done a little bit of tidying up with the topic, as it is a big one. I am still open to powerup suggestions, if anyone has any!
(Edit Again) Might be making an update log and I put the post into sections, so now it may be easier to read. Any more updates will probably be only put into the update log, unless if they are major.