Thank you so much! Do you mind if I put it in the post? Your skin making skills are amazing!
Ye our skin is not as good
Of course! Thanks for the support
I have added some stuff/ done some changes! I have changed the portal bow concepts to having both in one picture and to being in minecraft. I have also added 2 screenshots of the map with a roof to the hidden details tab “The Map”. I added concepts for the hub titles, and saving best for last, I have added Loppy’s skin in a tab called “NPC Skin” in the “NPC” hidden details tab! Thank you everyone for the support on the post!
(P.S. It looks like multiple maps will win the vote and if/when it does win, it will take a while for the maps to be built.)
I finished making the NPC skin, you can download it here!
For some reason it said it wasn’t a minecraft skin, but its probably just on my end.
That’s strange. Well, I’ll upload it to Skindex then, hopefully it will work!
Link: here
Multiple Maps win the vote! We will begin work soon.
Here is an incomplete version of the “City” Map. Will be completed soon, then after city we make the hub.
To make map, original map was copied and we replaced all the blocks and added new designs to the castles, now just buildings
Not only did you make great designs, you put so much effort into this one topic. Give a hand to Leo and Alf!
Thank you
Considering that it’s portal wars ye should make a map that looks like the facility from Portal.
I think that could be cool if the hive coded in launch pads aswell like there are in the game.
Thank you!
Sorry guys, Portal Wars City Map is going to take a bit as this time of year is crammed with exams and stuff. I am also moving house so I don’t have time to be active on minecraft.
It’s ok, take your time
Sad news. We will not be having the city map due to the build falling apart (it didn’t look good enough). We will reconsider multiple maps in the future, but for now our goal is to make the hub. Sorry for the inconvenience.
What if the hub had some kind of portal you could jump through? Maybe you could go through a portal and it would teleport you to another portal somewhere else. That could be interesting for parkour.
Portal Parkour? That sounds epic!
Expect to see the hub complete by the end of the week.
I could also open a realm copy of portal wars so that anyone could make any maps.
I am aware consecutive replies aren’t allowed, but the hub is finished! Check it out in the post!