Pin "Bedrock Forum Rules" on every Category/Latest

This will help if new users are struggling to find the forum rules. It would be pinned on the top of every category and the latest tab. And if it gets annoying, you can unpin the post for yourself only.

Also, if anyone wants to know, the rules are here:

This has to be added

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its like all common sense, I dont think its neccessaary to pin that, especially when its something you read once and never want to see again, so the average user would just get slightly annoyed by it being there

also if Hive wanted to do this, they would have before you made this thread…

If its common sense why do we have to flag so many people for duplicates and/or not reading the rules? And also, the Hive may havent thought of putting the rules everywhere initially because the forums werent as hard to manage as they are now.


because people lack common sense

tbh, I don’t know

but you’d think checking if someone else had the same idea and reading the rules would be common sense lol…


common sense isnt common


the floor is not floor



I didn’t know that was a thing lol


How do you get there?

At the far bottom of the pinned post.