Petition to remove gravity

Remove the game Gravity :

I think the Hive should remove Gravity because it is too simple of a game for a fun time.

Gravity also has the lowest player count of ANY game on the Hive.

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No, just no. I think you are one of the only people who thinks gravity should be removed, It is an amazing game that a lot of people would be devastated to see it go.


Reasons why no:

  1. There are no practical benefits to removing Gravity. The Hive would most definitely lose part of its playerbase by removing a game that many players enjoy.

  2. Gravity does not have the lowest player count of ANY game on the Hive. Both Ground Wars and Block Drop have lower player counts than Gravity, at the time of writing this.

  3. This topic seems to be based purely on opinion as you claim, “[Gravity] is too simple of a game for a fun time.” I assume you did not consult a random population of Gravity players (or anyone in fact) to hear if they though Gravity is too simple to have fun playing it.

  4. Why did you make a suggestion to remove Gravity? If you don’t like it then don’t play it, but other people do like it and do play it. You have to think about them too.


not all of us are prestige II treasure wars sweats, some of us do just like to chill out and play something that isnt based off the community, thats not to say grinding tw is bad but not a single soul is forcing you to play, half the games on the hive arnt pvp based


bro if you don’t like a game just don’t play it lol


Wow everyone’s so harsh. I’ll give it a chance. Just think, if they remove gravity we can all fly. :melting_face:

Jk jk.

Imo it doesn’t make sense for Hive to do this since the game is still new and they spent a lot of time developing it. A lot of people, including myself, really enjoy the game because it’s so simple and would be sad to see it go. It’s also nice to have a dropper mini game on a featured server since I don’t think any other one has a dropper. Pixel Paradise sort of does I think but it doesn’t actually work and is shutting down within a week anyway.

TL:DR Me like gravity please no bye bye.


oh boy can’t wait to fly to outer space and suffocate to death

Also there’s already a space map so…


Hive spent a long time getting gravity developed, and there are lots of people who enjoy playing it. If you don’t want to play it then just don’t, it’s that easy. :skull:


did you mean groundwars or bridge?


It was literally added a week ago.
Also bridge usually has good player counts @AnAbsurdName, usually more than block drop at 6:30 a.m!


If they did remove gravity, they could also remove all other <300 player count gamemodes (like sg).
By doing that many players would miss their favourite gamemodes and would quit the server. And that’s not good. Every gamemode should stay as long as it doesn’t make no profit for the hive. And those numbers are unknown for the public.
The gamemode should stay because many players like playing the dropper but can’t because it costs money on the marketplace and the other featured servers don’t have it.

Also welcome to the forums/community! :trophy:


This is the most ridiculous topic ever. Not you, but the idea is horrible.

We wait months, YEARS for new Hive games. No one cares if you don’t like it. Play something else!

(And welcome to our loving community :heart: )


i’d absolutely love to see it removed so i don’t get gravity quests. it’s a singleplayer game anyway, it has no place on a server

Sorry but even on Hive Java server they had this game and I count it as one of the four classic games


Just don’t do those quests :melting_face:

They’re usually only 10qp anyway


This is silly suggestion. Just because it’s a “singleplayer” game doesn’t mean it’s a bad gamemode. I usually play in parties when playing in Gravity. We like to race each other and share tricks so it’s not just a singleplayer game.

If you can’t do a quest, I recommend not doing them. It might be easy to others but hard for you. It’s just is what it is.
If you’re talking about the bug with Gravity quests, it’s been fixed by Hive now. Even if it’s still broken, it’s not a reason to hate Gravity because the game itself is fine, it’s the quest that is broken.


first of all, this happened from a forums post, and I would be sad to see a forums idea be removed.

secondly, there’s no benefit in removing it. and it’s a java game


Bro said petition as if we’d agree💀


listen people theres absolutely no point in removing a feature unless it can be unfixably exploited, is generally hated by the community, or straight-up loses money for hive.


Yeah, I agree with you. There are some ways you can cheese levels in Gravity, but those levels are the easiest ones and it’s harder to cheese them then to actually beat the level.