Offline messages

It is really annoying when your friend is offline and you need to tell them something thanks to this new feature, it won’t be a problem!

When you open mailbot, there will be a new option, “Offline Message” and basically, you can make one or view your offline messages.

To write one, you click the offline message option and select “Write” then select “To your friends” or “To a username” and you can write your message

When you write it, the next time that player logs on they will get the mail item and it will put a little notification thingy on the offline message button :smile:

Hiii! It could be a cool new thing, but I believe Microsoft doesn’t allow private messages on online servers.

That’s also the reason why you can’t use the Party Chat when you are in a party with another person, but you can use it when there are 3 people in the party.

So yeah, unless more people have access to the same message or they are pre-made, I don’t think Microsoft will let it happen :frowning:

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this wouldn’t be a private message, it would be a custom, pre-written message.


Hello! :wave:

Unfortunately, we are not looking to implement such a feature at this time.

Due to Microsoft policy, players cannot message each other privately in a one-on-one setting. This policy is in place to ensure player safety, as it makes it much harder for others to harass players in a private setting. We understand your intentions, but unfortunately, such a feature would inevitably be abused. :pensive: