New "The Arcade" Game: Strider Races

Shoot, guess we’ll wait another year for it

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Well the roadmap says it’s coming after swarms. So soon…

After swarms you say, hmmm…
swarms. when

Swarms may bee coming soon fr this time

So I think this is a game to take in consideration.

Strider races would be very fun and as u could see big man pixel even liked the idea.

This game would be fun for all platforms, pbmm won’t bee needed as playing on pc or console doesn’t really give you an advantage over mobile players.

Level up unlocks could definitely be strider hairstyles or add the DR capes to here and just make em look different.

I see a lot of opportunities with this game and I would just like it to be considered, I’ve never really heard anyone do this game or anything so this would be hive original experience

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Cool game idea Conhadda! Yea, with swarms hopefully coming soon this would be a cool game to see with the new features.

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Hey guys

I think this is a decent idea and I wanna try to get it to 30 votes

Also this is like my first post or something lol

I think it would be cool if you were in a maze which is covered up, you can’t see where you are going because your head is above the block but you can’t see above either.

Well, I personally think it’s a great idea, but there are some problems within it

Striders can’t climb block slopes, only lava flows, so 1) no parkour

The fungus rod can only boost the strider. On DeathRun, if you leap, you slightly fling in the air, which makes jumping while leaping more efficient. In Strider races, this would be fun, but unfortunately – a bit too fair.

So, generally, I’d hope to see this game, but with minor tweaks. High five :raised_hands:t2:

I mean, Hive could change how Striders function however they like, so I don’t see a problem with that


Umm. I’d love to see flying striders :joy:

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Lol ok I guess I need to clarify a little more

I don’t want the stireders to actually leap, and It should be a flat course and kinda like a race track

That would be kinda sick tho

29 days later… I voted

yes yes
best game
fun for mobile players

When is mixed arcade coming out


This game is still very good, and even tho mixed arcade prolly isn’t even close to coming out, I think getting the votes in and discussing the game and making it better would be a great idea

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I vOtEd

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Vote or bad

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Woah almost 60 votes

This is still a good idea for when mixed arcade comes out

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I voted to get it to 60. I like it and I think it’ll be a cool game for when mixed arcade comes out