New Ranking system

For example, you could make a ranking system with the Minecraft ores: first you are copper, then iron, then gold, then lapis lazuli, then diamond and then netherite. Currently, even with the level system, you can always just kill the beginners and level up quickly. This could be changed in the new ranking system (see above). You could make it so that if you kill someone who has a higher rank you get more plus than if you kill someone who has a lower rank.

LG Bad_hunter_nr1


[Write down your suggestion here, keep it short]

There is a similar ranking system in Minecraft java edition speed runs.

[Include any other information that you think is relevant here]

This seems kinda useless no offence.
All the sweats are just going to kill everyone leaving everyone else with the first gear and them with diamond gear.
Welcome to the Forums! :cubee:


This is an interesting idea also u can vote for your own idea


Sorry, I probably didn’t express myself well, I don’t mean the armor but the ranking system. I mean that you could do it a bit like in Fortnite and the ores are the rank.


it’s a cool idea, but we already have a ranking system.


I know but The current ranking system is not so good for beginners because the better players can always kill the bad players and get just as much plus as if they killed better ones


Okay, but your idea doesn’t change a player’s skill. Having ranks for Minecraft ores, if anything, would just make gamemodes more competitive.

And if you want a skill system to be “lower rank players go with other lower rank players” etc., that idea has been suggested already here :point_down:

edit: i forgor but

Welcome to the Forums :cubee:


Okay thanks