New murder mystery modes

New murder mystery modes

I will like more mode’s in murder mystery like for example 2 murderer mode. Or a More role mode like: inspector, monster and ect…

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Hey There! Welcome to The Hive Forums! Your suggestion is cool, but unfortunately, it is a duplicate of this (click me!). Next time, please use the search feature before making a suggestion!
And where you suggested more roles like inspector and monster, can you please elaborate? On what things they can do, it’s perks and cosmetics etc.? Thanks a lot.

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Welcome to the forums @cool_dinamond65 :heart:

and as toast said, use the search feature next time before posting!

You posted the wrong suggestion link
This is the original suggestion

My bad, I’ll edit that.

Just bumping this post, I think a two murderer mode would be really cool. Just would probably need more people in each game