New mode: Chaos mode

Personally, I think CTF could use some new modes to spice it up and give it more replayability. It has a sizeable playerbase with the base mode alone, so I don’t see the problem with putting some new modes in.

For those who don’t like reading long suggestions, here is a summary:


Chaos mode will be a 16v16 mode where each team needs 6 captures to win within a 15 minute timeframe. Each team base will have 2 flag bases and a capture base that is active as long as at least 1 flag is at their base. The maps will be bigger, and will include special loot locations with unique items that can help your team win.

Features in this mode will include:

Bigger maps :world_map:

Since big maps would be harder to make, maybe start out with 1 or 2 and expand upon it with updates. Because of how big the maps are, the number of players will be increased to 32 (16 on each team) and the time for each match will be increased to 15 minutes.

Special loot locations :moneybag:

To make it even more interesting, adding some locations in the maps with unique items would make the maps more explorable, and feel a lot less linear compared to the maps in the regular mode. And the players who learn the layout and find the loot locations will benefit from it and use it to their advantage. The loot should reset every 2-3 minutes

Item ideas
  • Invisibility spell (12 second invisibility) (Doesn’t work if you’re carrying a flag)
  • Extra blocks/arrows
  • Ender pearl (Since the maps are bigger and more captures are required, they wouldn’t be as much of a problem as they would be in the regular mode)
  • Blindness boombox
  • Web boombox
  • Fire boombox
  • Golden Apples
  • Vacuum pad (Sucks in enemies within a 4 block radius for 6 seconds, then sends them flying once it deactivates)

New capture system :triangular_flag_on_post:

To make this mode stand out even more, it should be given its own unique capture system. Instead of there being 1 flag where the capture base is, there will be 2 flags in seperate towers at the sides of each base, and 1 capture base near the team spawn area in the center of each base.

The way it works is as long as at least 1 flag is at your base, your capture base will be active and you will be able to capture the other team’s flag(s). If both flags from your base are taken by the other team, your capture base will deactivate and you will not be able to capture.

Doing it this way makes it so your team has to take control over the other team’s flags to stop them from being able to capture. Because of the way the flag system works, the number of captures needed to win should be doubled from 3 to 6, since there are now 2 flags at each base.


I think this would be a nice mode to add to CTF to make it more interesting and give it more variety. It is a longer mode than the base mode, but I think it would work great alongside the base mode and a quicker mode for players who prefer shorter rounds. That way, every player is happy and depending on their mood, they could choose whatever mode they want.

Up for a long match? Play Chaos mode. Up for quicker match? Play the quick mode. Want something in the middle? Play the regular mode.

Anyways, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.