New kit idea: the survivalist

Here is my idea:
The whole purpose of the kit is to survive as long as possible. And, for that, you need to have gear.
Here are the items you get:
#1: iron axe instead of stone
#2: crumbling cobblestone
#3: stack of wood blocks
#4: iron sword
#5: 1 ender-pearl
every 5 seconds you get 4 Crumbling Cobblestone. You can have max 32 CC. If you have 32 or more CC it won’t regenerate.
Yeah so that’s all. Please tell me if these ideas are to op, I’ll nerf them. The ender pearl and diamond
Pickaxe can easily be removed and im unsure about if I want them in the kit.
Anyway thanks for reading and please leave feedback!
Thanks to @Daviditaly64 for the help with balancing it!

As you already said there are some things “wrong” in your kit.

Ok well, that’s useful to do more damage.

Do you remember Skywars doen’t have hunger? Maybe you got confused with SG.


A survivalist doen’t really need a diamond pickaxe. I would suggest you to make all the items iron (Iron Sword, Iron Pickaxe, Iron Axe)

:+1: again

Pickaxe is one the most important items! You can’t remove it, or you won’t be able to mine ores.

Well, after all, good idea, I voted!

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Make it like 32 pieces. Please.
Edit: I thought it was Survival Games :joy:


The pickaxe is already iron though, that’s why I made it diamond


I know, I exactly suggested to keep it iron.

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Ahh ok sorry. So btw what would you suggest instead of the steak?


Maybe you could replace it with Crumbling Cobblestone (x32)…

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Ok, thanks! I’ll implement the changes. Do you have any other suggestions?


No, I think now the kit is good, still a bit undecided about the Enderpearl but well, everything else is fine.


But… Stack of steak sounds so nice!
This is a joke btw I removed the steak


Wait a second, I realized every kit is special because it has an Ability (Walker can survive from void 1 time, Baller regenerate Snowballs, etc.).
Here is an idea:

Like Builder, every 5 seconds you get 4 Crumbling Cobblestone. You can have max 32 CC. If you have 32 or more CC it won’t regenerate.


Ohh that’s a good idea thanks!


Maybe a golden apple?

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That might be too op idk


Seems very underpowered compared to the other kits

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So then what about the golden apple?
Or maybe you get one every kill?

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Tbh it needs more than just that maybe you get a gap every kill?

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Yeah that’s what I suggested

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It’s not there unless my eyes are bad did you remove it?

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It’s the get one every kill thing

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