got the idea then someone made a similar post here
Basically just earn like 2xp if you say “gg” or “good game”
(make sure you can only do it once, and only at the end of the game so people don’t spam)
got the idea then someone made a similar post here
Basically just earn like 2xp if you say “gg” or “good game”
(make sure you can only do it once, and only at the end of the game so people don’t spam)
Instead of Karma you get points. I feel like 2 is good. Good idea!
We know. This is just something that they got reminded of from yours. It’s not a copy.
This is cool, as even if you lose, you are bound to learn something, so giving exp for saying gg is a good way to decrease the toxicity on the server. Great suggestion
This would make it so pc players have an easier time to level up than console and mobile players, as it’s easier to chat on pc. Even if the gg message was also added, it would just be free xp as I don’t see a reason not to have the message active if it’s added
The XP will only count at the end where it shows the podium. Is 15 seconds not enough time?
I’m just saying that it’s either going to just be free xp, or give pc players an advantage to the grind
Mobile players still have a harder time chatting than pc players, and on mobile it’s easier to mistype(not from mc experience, but from experience on a phone in general)
anyways this would make everyones day just this much |--------------------------------| better
Yes!!! Encouraging people to be disingenuous by faking being a good sport makes everyone’s day better. /s
It also takes long for a keyboard on mobile to finally popup.
Slime has a good point here. People say gg (good game) when they had a great match with someone. If this gets actually added, people will spam gg not because they actually enjoyed the game but because they want the free exp. It defeats the point of saying gg to someone
Also it’s just copying Hypixel, and no, getting xp instead of karma doesn’t make much of a difference
Yeahhhh idk if I would want this
People could die in the start of a game and then stay till the end to say gg
omg yed!!!11!11!1!!
YEA you got my vote I’m going to say “gg” for the xp not to be a good sport lol good suggestion!!!
we have a case of opinion WEWOWEWO NO OPINIONS ALLOWED
this may be diifciult for ps and xbox players as we have to type differently
But on PlayStation when you open the keyboard it’s automatically on “g” (from my experience) so you’d just have to press the cross twice, not sure about Xbox though.