New game: Buzz out!

The Hive should add a game called “Buzz Out!” where you have to complete challenges in order to progress with the level. There will be 14 people in each game, and every person will be put in a little room with the challenges. There would be 12-18 maps; each game would have 6 maps. Every map would be randomised.

Game ideas: (Ideas from @Daviditaly64 )

  • Artist Chamber!
  • Jail Break!
  • Defeat ‘em!
  • Cooks Cuisine!
  • Western Shoots! (Just so you know, it’s a bow you use to shoot)
  • Light the night!

All of those challenges are examples and probably won’t be there, so if you like this idea so far, then please comment what you think needs to be there.
When you complete the maps before everyone else does, you have to do the boss challenge in order to win. The boss challenges could be…

  • Mob Threat!
  • Puzzle Room!
  • Parkour Challange!
  • Hazey Mazey!

Any ideas you guys have will be great! Please tell them to me!

Xp rewards:

Now for the rewards for XP. There will be 25 levels. Thanks to @SuchabunYT and @Thomas4725 , the rewards will be…

Level 1: None
Level 2: New sound: Hooray!
Level 3: Particles: Red
Level 4: Hubtitle: Faster than light!
Level 5: New sound: Video game!
Level 6: Particles: Orange
Level 7: Avatar: Lightning Strike
Level 8: New sound: Beep boop
Level 9: Hubtitle: The Hare
Level 10: New sound: XP noise!
Level 11: Particles: Yellow
Level 12: New sound: Yipe!
Level 13: Avatar: Fast Rabbit
Level 14: Particles: Green
Level 15: Hubtitle: Catch up!
Level 16: Particles: Blue
Level 17: Particles: Purple
Level 18: New sound: Duh, Duh DUH!
Level 19: Avatar: Turtle vs. Hare (rabbit)
Level 20: Hubtitle: NEW RECORD!
Level 21: Particles: Violet
Level 22: Avatar: The Athlete
Level 23: New sound: Note Blocks!
Level 24: Hubtitle: Definition of SPEED!
Level 25: Hat: Thundercloud

If you have any more ideas for level 25, let me know.
If you have any criticism, I’ll be happy to hear it.

If you’re wondering, what is this “New sound”? The new sound would be an unlock you can, well, unlock! It’s like the Gravity unlock for when you die, it will make a rubber duck sound or a clown sound or any kind of sound. It will be similar to that, but instead you hear it when you beat the level.

Ways to Win:

Obviously we need our winners! There will be 3 ways you could win. The first one is (obviously) winning/having the fastest time. The second way is least deaths. The third and final way is, sadly, most deaths, so you don’t want to die that much!

That’s my idea! What do you think about this?

So it’s kinda like minerware?


I wouldn’t say it’s Minerware, but it has its own unique design and games that only the Hive can include.


I completely know where did you take this idea. A free map on the marketplace for sure, I played it too, but I don’t remember the name…

So is a room-to-room run and you must finish them all right? Voted :mailbot:

There is only one little problem…


Yeah, copyright could be a problem, but maybe hive could implement lots of different things and doodle around with the game to make it non-copyright?


you could call it some thing like escape room because thats the vibe i got from reading the first bit of when you explained the game. it could be bee themed cus you know the hive so it could be called Escape the Hive.


This sounds a lot like party games on hypixel, but still a cool idea.


Yeah, that’s a way. So first of all rename the existing names of the games and adding new ones. I’ll help you if you want.

Also to differentiate this game from others it should be only 1 room per player that changes after every challenge.


Hive had such game before on Java.
It’s called The Lab and it contains several minigames, whoever get the most points after all these games won.
(i forget what game it has but the most impressive one i remember is Electric Floor)


Can we all share ideas in what the game will be called? I have no idea what to call it…


Buzz your way Out! :cubee:


Level 1: None
Level 2: New sound: Hooray!
Level 3: Particles: Red
Level 4: Hubtitle: Faster than light!
Level 5: New sound: Video game!
Level 6: Particles: Orange
Level 7: Avatar: Lightning Strike
Level 8: New sound: Beep boop
Level 9: Hubtitle: The Hare
Level 10: New sound: XP noise!
Level 11: Particles: Yellow
Level 12: New sound: Yipe!
Level 13: Avatar: Fast Rabbit
Level 14: Particles: Green
Level 15: Hubtitle: Catch up!
Level 16: Particles: Blue
Level 17: Particles: Purple
Level 18: New sound: Duh, Duh DUH!
Level 19: Avatar: Watch
Level 20: Hat: Thundercloud :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

A completed edition! :grinning:

Just to be clear, the particles follow you when you walk around, like in Block Drop. Block Drop


Thank you so much! May I use this on my list?


Sure! Just don’t forget the credits!
Also, I made the name idea, “Buzz your way Out! :cubee:


Copyright is the least of everyone’s problems I don’t think people realize that games with the same idea aren’t copying but rather taking inspiration. It’s only really when you steal a character or their whole game code 1 to 1.


If you want, I can make your final five level rewards!
Level 20: (hubtitle) NEW RECORD!
Level 21: (particles) Violet
Level 22: (avatar) The Athlete
Level 23 (sound) Note Blocks
Level 24 (hubtitle) SPEED. I AM SPEED.
And for level 25 you’d still get the thundercloud hat!
Just if you want to consider it…


I’ll add it to the post!

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imo “Buzz your way Out! :cubee:” is a bit wordy, i prefer “Buzz Out”


Okay, thanks for the feedback! Buzz :cubee: :beedance: :honeybee:


To fit your needs, the post has been edited to our new game title, “Buzz Out!”


I’ve built a mock up of what the hub could be like…

What do you think?