I love the idea, but i think it could be a bit bigger
I just saw we got ten votes
thanks for the support!
bru bumped too soon
Isn’t the bump amount 72 hours, which is 3 days? The rules say so, and this is a good idea tbh. I didn’t bump “too soon” I bumped just in time
That happened to me earlier also.
your previous bump was only five hours apart from this one. I am a victim of the too-soon-bump syndrome too, just don’t get it too hard.
That happened to everyone at least one time…
For me twice.
Yea, it always happens. Let’s get back in topic…
TiMV right now:
After years of research I finally understand the joke and laughed a little.
Could someone make concept art of the game hub? I would but I can not because I can’t.
Ba badada ba baaaaaaaaamp
Deathrun already has a “I AM SPEED” hub title
i dont
Also i still voted although i just scanned through while thinking about Grid Runners for sum reason
can you read this?? I cant
Thanks for reminding me! I have already changed the post for when you get level something, you get the hubtitle “Definition of SPEED!”
I see names are the same (I rhymed somehow lol), so here are them reworked:
- Artist Chanber
- Jail Break
- Defeat 'em
- Cook’s Cuisine and yes, I know a bit of French too other than my bad English and good Italian.
- Western Shoots
- Light the night I rhymed again!!!
Here are the Boss Games:
- [mob] Threat
- Puzzle Room
- Parkour Challenge
- Maze Break Similar to Jail Break