Nerf Flag Curse


Nerf Flag Curse

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In my opinion I personal think Flag Curse is the most annoying thing while trying to win. I always try and kill the enemy taking are flag before they escape, And its to risk getting flag curse. Bots will come to your base and you would constantly run due to them chasing you and your teams defense being complete dogcrap. 3 hearts and armor bars is too little. Especially when you have someone with diamond sword rushing behind you. In my opinion. Nerf Flag Curse from 3-5 Hearts and 3-5 Armor Bars. And change the curse price from 100-150. If this changes, The game would be a lot more exciting and not as devastating.

This is a

nerfin the deadly flag curse

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Personally i think they should just make absorption overlay onto flag curse to make absorption more worth the price•-•

Shuush i wrote this from my opinion and i did not know this existed

Maybe use the search bar next time perhaps

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Hello! As I’m sure you know it’s against the Forum rules to make a topic that’s a duplicate of another one. Please make sure to read the rules here.

I’m sure that you did come up with this idea, not copy it; however it’s still counterproductive to post duplicate ideas because they split the voting and reply bases for the idea.

We’d still love to hear your ideas though! If you do have an original idea but it’s already been posted, you can vote and leave feedback on the original post. In this case, that would be this one:

You can post your specific pricing and/or health ideas there if they differ slightly from the OP’s :slight_smile:

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