Mutual Friends List
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Basically what I think would be cool is when you receive a friend request it will give you an option to look at mutual friends to know who they are friends with. This might help with knowing if you would like them or not, their interests, and what types of people they hang around. This also might be useful with current friends you have already. You could be able to scroll through your friends and see mutual friends you have and maybe even make connections with them for people who would like to grow their friends list. This could also be helpful if you get a lot of friend requests from people you don’t recognize. Automatically if you don’t recognize them you might deny them but being able to see their mutual friends you might be able to tell if they are friends with your friends then you might be interested in accepting them and playing with them some time. I know this is something small but I think it would be cool to see one day and I think it would help a lot of people out.
Thanks for taking your time to read this post
~ HeyItzKillerMC