Musical Chairs Mixed Arcade

I think a nice game for the coming next “Mixed Arcade” gamemode should be some kind of musical chairs game. Musical chairs has to be the best childhood game in my opinion. It could maybe work like this, players are placed in a circle, music made from noteblocks start playing, the music ends at a random time, and players have to right click an item to “claim” a seat. This would go on until there’s maybe one or three players remaining.

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What about actual seats? Like maybe chair props you can actually sit in. Maybe you can also be punished if you don’t move around within 3 seconds of the music playing to avoid people hogging seats.


Yeah that would work too, but I think that would be harder to make as well

I think that this would be a great idea. Maybe you could walk into a seat instead of having to left/hold/right click which would makes it harder on touchscreens.


Bumping because this an awesome suggestion!
Musical chairs is something everyone has played at least once in their life. And it’ll make a really ebic Party Game :smiley:

Bumping this as I love the idea

The music could be pigstep or smthn


Custom Servers of this where there are 100 players and 99 seats :flushed:


Nice you got me vote. I also have made a more in depth brake down of how the game would work. Maybe check it out :+1: