Murder Mystery major update

I’m going to be combining two murder mystery update ideas into one post.

Idea 1: The overhaul

In my opinion Murder mystery needs a gameplay update and here is how I think Hive should do it.
Sheriff changes: The sheriff can now see the names of players when they get close enough but not through walls. They also get a book that tells them all the players names the sheriff can cross out the players he knows are dead or innocent. The book gives him a list of items each player has. These items are random but no player has an exclusive item and when a player dies the murderer drops one of his own items which the sheriff can use to put all the items together to guess the murderer. They cant shoot anyone until they have a certain amount of players marked as innocent.
Murderer changes: The murderer can see the name tag of the sheriff and can go invisible 5 times a game but cant kill anyone while invisible and cant be shot by an innocent during that time. They also get a fake bow to blend in at the 1 min mark and can through of the sheriff by placing a fake item down but if the sheriff is lucky enough to notice slight finger prints on the item he can get back on track. The murderer can also swap places with an innocent once or twice per game and frame them if the sheriff fails to notice the item. And they get the innocent detector when there is only five left.
Innocent changes: The innocents now get bows at 15 coins and get a slight speed boost until they get the bow.

Idea 2: Map changes and power ups

Murder Mystery has too many maps to count so instead of adding new ones I think we need to update the old ones redesign the maps slightly or entirely. another way to update the maps is giving each role special power ups with some of them map specific. The murderer’s power ups are similar to the power outages on backrooms and the storm gates on castle town they will all cost 10 coins.
Some examples are

  • Office: vent lock (innocents and sheriffs are locked out of or in the vents while the the murder is not)

  • Toy House: chandelier (the chandelier is now an entity and can fall once a round)

  • Warehouse: falling crates (some of the crates are entities which will fall when the murderer clicks it)

Innocents get power ups that can help them survive the murderers power ups such as a key to the vents on office the flashlight helping you see during a power outage on backrooms more power ups could be a discount that gives you a bow quicker or a tracker which helps you find the sheriff hat if they die.

Sheriffs power ups could be a reduced zapper cooldown reveal a murderers item or help see through a fake item and maybe a notification for when the murderer swaps places with someone.

XP changes

Original idea Suchabuns post. Add new ways to gain XP as these ways where cut out of the new update and should have been added when it was released.
Some examples are

  • Keys 3 XP (castle town)

  • Present 2 XP (backrooms)

  • Well 5 XP (fairy garden)




If you have any ideas tell me and I will add it and give you credit. If you want me to remove a part ask me and I will consider it and if you see a dupe please tell me and I will remove it from the post.

will this be detecting people with the murderer role or if someone has been murdered?

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I disagree with this post, espacially idea 1. I get it that you want to spice up the gameplay, but by making it way easier to find and kill the murderer as both roles is not the way. I also dont like the killcooldown for murderer, the speedboosts for innocents (also makes it easier to find murderer) and the powerups feel weird to. But the murderer’s powerups (so the falling chandelier and etc.) is a idea i do like.

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ok so what if the speed boost disappears after you get the bow maybe even replaced with slowness and I’m still trying to come up with better power ups and the sheriff is supposed to take time to find the murderer which is why I made the book try to help prove the murderer rather than make try to give the murderer away immediately so what if the book makes it so he can only have a bow after hes crossed out 5 or 10 people. im also adding a few other things to the post thanks for the feedback


I think the murderer would be way to overpowered with going invisible and with the bow and all of that because in my opinion being murderer is already kinda easy

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If you would like to add the post below, I give you full permission, just don’t forget to credit me.


then why is the cupcake power-up in the backrooms a thing…