More Ways To Get Xp In Skywars Or Increase Amount Of Xp Gained

In treasure wars, there are two ways to get xp, one is breaking treasures and the other is killing. But in skywars it’s basically just killing, It takes significantly longer to level up in skywars then in treasure wars. So I suggest that there should be many other ways to get xp in skywars, instead of just killing. or they could just increase the amount of xp to make it equally as easy as treasure wars leveling up.

Maybe xp for opening the big chest in the middle? (sorry i forgot the name)


ender chests

yeah that was one of the things i was thinking

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no the big one that spawns in the middle i mean

mystery chest?

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yes that ty

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you already get xp from that

I was gonna put it in my suggestion but i wasn’t sure if you got xp from it so thanks lol

oh really?
i dont really open it often i didnt know

winning gives the most exp

I don’t see many more ways to give xp…

You got Mystery Chests, Kills, Wins, Killing the kill leader… so maybe specify what kind of ways could you get xp of


Just get wins as fast as you can.

They already give 10xp

This is a great idea but I agree with @iGaboDabo. There is nothing else in Skywars to add XP onto. Maybe you could get 1XP for mining an ore but that is way too overpowered since if you mine 50 ores, that would be the same amount of XP as a win. If Hive Skywars does do another update that adds more features to the game, they could add some extra XP onto them.

Also, I totally agree with you just because it is quite hard to max Skywars, especially as they have just added 35 new levels. So, any other ways to get XP would be great.


I didn’t know killing the kill leader did that, but usually you would want to be the kill leader if your grinding, maybe they could change how much xp you get, because destroying treasures in treasure wars gives 50 xp, which is a really good amount, maybe they could increase the amount of xp you get for certain things.

A little bit of an increase could be ok. But not much for the same reasons here:

I agree with MM i’ve played that game ALOT and im only level 37 but I’ve played more skywars games then MM games and im a level lower than i am in skywars my win % is 20 so I feel like i should be a higher level than my MM level.

You could edit the suggestion to higher the xp a little bit