Murder Mystery Xp Change?

Yeah you seem to know more then me so yeeeaaaahhhhh

it took me 4 months to get from lvl 26

shouldn’t be that hard

Murder mystery is fine. The survival xp is cool and very useful but part of it is just grinding to get more levels

i get like 50-100 xp at average, and I’m halfway through level 30 rn

4 months is 1/3 of a year just on 1 gamemode. What im tryna say is that 4 months to get like 450k xp shouldnt be too hard ideally but on Murder Mystery where its a matter of getting coins and the coins capping isnt easy to grind

Most of those who play on the hive are NOT there to grind, they’re simply there to have fun :slight_smile:

Also I think the XP for MM should be kept untouched as it is fine how it is.

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well I was only grinding 1.5 hrs a day fyi

compared to other games (TW, SW, JB) They also took roughly the same time to max

(SW would take around 4 months with the new lvl cap)

there are def sweats who prob play atleast like 2 - 3 hrs a day

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Sweats? 2-3 hours? HUH.

as a former cringe sweat I can tell you that 2-3 hours is a FIFTH of what they get per day :o

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I know but I mean over the whole time of the hive and by hundreds I meant from 150-300

I see more people leaving because they max MM rather than grinding to it.

But people will still max it and that issue is a fully different thing.

How is that a completely different thing? Some people will max to level 100, some won’t, it’s as simple as that. Also the reason why you get less XP in MM per game rather than SW or TW is because games are much shorter on MM.

What im trying to say is that people will still max it regardless if my suggestion gets put into consideration or not.

I think maxing MM is some kind of big achievement to be proud of because how king and hard grinding is. Only the truest OGs should have it and maxing game modes is not supposed to be that easy.
Since when has this modern society thought maxing a game was just like a quick errand lol

All jokes aside tho, there r some games to max quickly, and some to not so quickly. It’s part of the experience and if you have plans to max murder, you’re gonna need a lot of time and dedication. Not all things should be made easy to achieve.


I agree, gaining xp is hard in mm, especially for someone who doesn’t enjoy it that much, it needs more stuff

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Im not saying it should be too easy, but not too hard. You practically gotta waste 2-3 months just for murder mystery. I see where you’re coming from but its too hard atm but they can suggest better ideas rather than mine.

It’s mm XP is perfect as it is bc what really matters is u have fun while grinding

Coin xp should increased to 5 per coin and the coin xp cap should be removed and possibly dedicated win bonus instead of the time based one

thats my point

I’ve played 1,300 games in MM and only 15% of the way done to get to 100 levels???
I’ll extremely round up, 8,000 games in TW to get prestige 3. I’ll round down for MM, 6,000 games to get to level 100 in MM.
Even with trying to make it seem like less of a difference, it’s still huge. I understand MM being harder, but my problem is how much harder. Getting to 115% in MM is equal to getting to 300% in TW. The percentage is how much xp is needed the 100 levels, so MM would be level like 140 and TW is 300. Also MM games are longer on average?? MM in my opinion definitely needs it to be easier to level up in.