More Treasure Wars and Skywars cs options

The new cs update was pretty amazing but I would still like more features especially on Skywars and Treasure Wars but there are still some features that would be very appreciated. Some of my ideas are:
Treasure wars:
-keep inventory
-remove sudden death
-extend game time
-instant respawns

-control ore rng
-extended game time
-ore concentration (example: more diamonds in middle maybe give a chart so we control it)

It would be very cool if you’d consider some of these ideas thanks for reading!

A lot if not all of these have already been suggested.

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I have seen all of them besides ore concentration 28073 times on this forums.
you can make a different suggestion for that and please dont make list suggestion as if someone cant decide to vote or not if they like/dislike one or more ideas.

Oh sorry it’s my first time doing a suggestion thanks for the feedback!

These are very cool ideas I would love for them to get implemented.