More ingame unlock based avatars

My suggestion is to add ingame based avatars for every level unlock! Some of these models are really good and imo could also be used for avatars.
Every unlock (excluding death msgs and kill phrases) will get their own avatar.

Why should hive do this?
As stated in this post hive will be planning to refresh their older 3d models. This means they will also have to redo the ‘preview unlocks’. (You can find this in your locker). Hive can put in a little bit more effort and turn these into avatars

For example, when you get the Treasure ‘traffic cone’ at lvl 16, you will also get an avatar for this.
Here, i’ve made some examples of what they may look like. For those who already have these unlocks, the avatar will automatically be given.

Every cosmetic in the following category will get an avatar

Projectile, powerup, trail, vault effect, spawn pedestal, goal skin, arrow trail, flag (CTF), ghost, pop, zapper, death marker, costume, particle, bridge builder, treasure, cape, runner trail, leap effect, death skin, helmet, zapper trail, throwable, grave, ghost color, eyes, legs, hat, flag (SW), spawn vehicle, kill effect, projectile trail, death crate


ooohhh, this is a great idea! you got my vote. Also, good designs!


By avatar do you mean a global cosmetic or an icon for the menus?

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Do you mean the unlock previews? If so, the avatars may also be used there as well. But perhaps with a dark grey background


I think getting an avatar every level is too much, most people just pick one avatar and stick with it so we don’t need more.


I kinda have a similar suggestion (im not gonna link it because i dont want this one to be taken down)

But yours seems more better and detailed so im hoping it doesnt get taken down. :slight_smile:


yeah perhaps, just thought that might as well give all cosmetics an avatar if some are getting it.

Woah! What did you use to make these?

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It’s almost been a year.:flushed: Also I think It’s a great idea to add this.

I think he used templates and Hive images.
And also, welcome to the forums! :cubee:

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yep, I use templates + images. I’m planning to revamp this suggestion sometime in the future when I got time

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